
Debate – Hitchens, Harris, Dennett vs Boteach, D'Souza, Tale


Debate – Hitchens, Harris, Dennett vs Boteach, D’Souza, Tale


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13 thoughts on “Debate – Hitchens, Harris, Dennett vs Boteach, D'Souza, Tale
  1. I've only just recently seen this Boteach guy in debates. He has to be the epitome of every bad argument against science spoken with arrogant certainty, backed up by ridiculous straw men. He has a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth.

  2. D'souza is disingenuous at best – when he says the believer and non-believer BOTH make truth claims without evidence regarding eternal life, he creates a false equivalency. One side claims the magic book tells them so, the other can point to chemistry of life and the way the brain creates memories and synapses that form a "being" to state that these things do NOT survive the death of an organism intact. Empirical evidence is NOT = magic book of goat herder fables!

  3. @ChristopherHitchslap I use virtualdubmod (coz I rock oldskool) to decompress audio stream to wav, then edit it however (audacity?), and virtualdubmod again to compress & interleave it back in

  4. Someone should shut D'Souza up about physics, I am ashamed that someone like him gets to have a say about that field of expertise and get away with it. I am currently in college studying physics and am greatly astonished by the garbage coming out of his mouth.

  5. 0:28:28 That has to be the DUMBEST comparison ever. You eithers ask her to marry or you don't. You make a choice anyway, you can't stay neutral. How on earth can you compare that to agnosticism, where it's about the unknowable truth values of claims??

  6. All one has to do is watch how pissed off the religious people act when in front of the microphone, and how calm and sensible the non-religious people act when in front…

  7. 1:11:50 "Not a single argument was given" and later "Their argument really comes to this" Way to go Dinesh… ahahhahaha… Refuting urself right in the next line lol 😀

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