
Deep Learning Demystified

Brandon Rohrer

Find the rest of the How Neural Networks Work video series in this free online course:

An explanation for deep neural networks with no fancy math, no computer jargon. For slides, related posts and other videos, check out the blog post:

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37 thoughts on “Deep Learning Demystified
  1. Hi Brandon, just watched both your talks on deep learning. I found them to be the clearest presentation so far on the subject. Thanks. Why do image recognition nets use such low res photos to train with. I mean some of the feature like blood vessels or hairs on the skin would be useful for classification. Is this a hardware issue or do higher res pics just confuse the nets.

  2. Thanks Brandon Rohrer for detailed explanation of concepts. Initially I saw your video on Linear Regression which is part of How Data Science Works. Later I had to search a lot to find your channel. Once again thanks for such videos and distributing your knowledge on Data Science.

  3. Are not numbers just names we give to quantities or values? And are not names just variables with multiple possible values based on context? Maybe it would be better to talk about value vs variable instead of name verses number.

  4. I watched this hoping I'll learn something new about Deep Learning but all he talked about was Multi-Layer Perceptron. I haven't had the chance to study Deep Learning yet but I'm pretty sure it's not just a new name to MLP!

  5. hi Mr Brandon Rohrer i need to use Deep Learning in character recognition could you help me please thank you

  6. this audio is PAINFUL to listen too. my computer and speakers are at 100%, can barely hear speaker, then at times volume spikes.

    sound engineer should be ashamed.

  7. Love it, the best explanation of the Deep learning that I have ever seen, it connects the biomedical mechanism, and AI together, brilliant!

  8. If Estopa, an spanish band, is similar to Police or Bee Gees, something is not working well in Spotify; or Alaska y Dinarama, I love them, but they are quite different to Daft Punk.

    Thanks for the videos. You explain really well.

  9. I've watched a dozen of these and I got to say that this was the best. It explained the basic concept added with some computational logic without going to deep in the math right away, this seems to be a tough combination to find. Many thanks!

  10. I got bored… Thoroughly bored….wanted to run away….but was forcing myself every moment to.complete the video..I slept in the end…

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