
Deep Learning Montréal @ Autodesk – Autodesk, Humans + AI = Future of Designing & Making


Mike Haley Senior Director, Machine Intelligence AI Lab, Autodesk Research

At the Autodesk AI Lab we are exploring the intersection of AI and how humans will design and make in the future.

Whether we are talking about industrial design or architecture studios, engineering shops, factories or construction sites, the process of designing and making the physical world generates extremely rich data trails.

Using modern AI technologies, we can learn from that data and build knowledge systems, topology generators, systems models, stylization networks, robotic control systems, vision technology and more.

All of these have the potential to make advanced design accessible to more people in the future and will allow companies and individuals to physically create like never before, in many cases, exploring solutions that were previously beyond their reach.
In this talk we will broadly explore this topic with specific focus on our research projects in geometry synthesis, design knowledge modeling, simulated reality and robotic assembly.

Full details here:


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