Consciousness Videos

Demystifying the Human Quantum Experience

Stefan Burns

Quantum discoveries have allowed us to peer deeper not only into the true nature of reality, but also into our unique human experience and consciousness. This is a new path for many explorers of consciousness to journey along and make discoveries, and if you look down you’ll notice the faded footprints of our mystic ancestors.

SCHUMANN RESONANCES COMPLETE GUIDE (Light, Geophysics, Bioelectricity, Consciousness):

00:00 The Human Quantum Experience
00:42 Albert Einstein and Quantum Physics
01:27 What are Light Exchanges?
02:02 Exploring the Mystery of Light
02:58 Human Bioelectricity
04:10 Human Quanta
04:49 Feeling Quantum Connections
05:34 Physics of Light Exchanges
06:51 Light and Human Consciousness
07:36 Achieving Quantum Consciousness
09:06 Light Exchanges over Distance
10:40 Choosing your Quantum Connections
12:34 More Videos

eBooks by Stefan Burns:
Schumann Resonances and Human Bioelectricity (preorder):
Holistic Gut Health Guide:

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Endemic Sound
Fabrizio Carbone/EFPL

#quantumconsciousness #quantumphysics #spirituality #consciousness #light #soulfamily #lightexchanges #electromagnetism #brainwaves #bioelectricity #quantumentanglement #schumannresonance


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31 thoughts on “Demystifying the Human Quantum Experience
  1. Great explain Stefan as we all connected in frequenties is we are now in "The Ag of Knowing" for 2000 years and is feminine as we move from Yang tot Yin and all connected with our hearts.

  2. Your work is fantastic. I value and appreciate it immensely. However, I've noticed something that appears at 6:53 and at the end, 12:00 of this video. Your graphics showing the human figures with the toroidal field surrounding it, displaying a common misinterpretation. You show the energy field going INTO the top of the head and EXITING out of the bottom of the body. Actually the correct depiction would be the REVERSE of this graphic. The head – throat area is the positive pole of the body where energy is released and goes out and down and around the body. Then it is drawn into the body through the feet and sacral area which is the negatively charged pole of the body.

  3. I can feel happy and sad at same time. Mostly I'm super happy, motivated, feel creative, but the sad stuff is those deep life hurts that kind of stick sometimes, I think they slowly get turned into useful energy, either I pray for people who need it, or
    learn from the hurts, also practice independence and forgiveness🩵

  4. This is like Ascension, that I taught years ago! We as Humans are not meant to get along with everyone, but if we remained opened, the Energy Exchange would be amazing!

    There’s nothing really Good or Bad that Happens to us, it’s how our perception sees them. Change your Perception and you can change you Perspective to everything and anything and see things from so many points of views, that you’ll soon realize, so many people are correct, it’s our perception that stopped us from seeing that, and the reverse is true, that’s when you know, things are not working out, and you part ways, grateful for what each of you have learned from each other; experiences, different views on anything, etc…

    When we meet someone, who we immediately connect with, they are giving us a String of their Energy and we give them a String of ours, and with the amount of People on this Earth, we’re all connected in one form or another. If we connected with everyone, we would burn out quickly, hence, find your Tribe, you’ve found your Vibe. There is TRULY nothing Good or Bad that has happened to us, it goes back to how we perceive each situation, because everything is a Lesson, that we build upon. If you can find the Lesson in things we perceive as Bad, you’ve won half the Battle.

    Yesterday is History (We can’t change it.), Tomorrow is NEVER a given. All we truly have is this very Moment, that we call the Present, and imagine if we treated it as that, a Present! Look at how much more, we could accomplish!

    Energy: From Source, God, Universe, is the Key to everything around us! We choose each day, how WE live ourselves , not anyone else’s, life.

    I hope this makes Sense, If I still had all my journals, it would have been more cohesive.

    Yes, I’m very attuned to all forms of Energy, Vibrations, extremely flexible, when I want to be, but always opened minded, to listen, to learn, to grow. To shed the Old, and Accept the New.


  5. There is a great song by the band THE CULT (Ian Astbury lead singer) called ELEMENTAL LIGHT
    It never got properly reviewed…like the CULT album BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL.

  6. NUMBERS: (copy and paste from my files):

    'IF' my latest TOE idea is really true, (and I fully acknowledge the 'if' at this time, my gravity test has to be done which will help prove or disprove the TOE idea), that the pulsating, swirling 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in existence in this universe, and what is called 'gravity' is a part of what is currently recognized as the 'em' photon, the 'gravity' modality acting 90 degrees from the 'em' modalities, which act 90 degrees to each other, then the oscillation of these 3 interacting modalities of the energy unit would be as follows:

    Gravity: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction;

    Electrical: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction;

    Magnetic: Maximum in one direction, Neutral, Maximum in the other direction.


    1 singular energy unit, with 3 different modalities, with 6 maximum most reactive positions, with 9 total basic reactive positions (neutrals included). Hence 1, 3, 6, 9 being very prominent numbers in this universe and why mathematics even works in this universe.

    (And possibly '0', zero, as possibly neutrals are against other neutrals, even if only briefly, for no flow of energy, hence the number system that we currently have. This would also be the maximum potential energy point or as some might call it, the 'zero point energy point'.).

    And also how possibly mathematical constants exist in this universe as well.

    * While in bed one morning after a restful nights sleep, and assuming the above is correct, I mentally went 'inside' the 1 (the singular pulsating, swirling 'gem' photon itself). I still saw with my mind the 3 different interacting modalities, the 6 maximum modality points, the '9' including and being the neutral points in the middle which faded into a 6 (as each maximum modality point came towards zero), that 6 fading into a 3 (as each modality came together), which turned into a 1 (which was the '0' point), but '0' wasn't zero. So, '0' is not really '0' but is something, not nothing. '0' is a relative '0'. But then here again, the zero point energy point is the maximum potential energy point for any and all modalities of the 'gem' photon. '0' is '1' and '1' is '0', this is the '1' inside the '1'.

    Now I just have to come up with some tests to test this idea of the zero point energy point being '1', a maximum potential energy point of the singular pulsating, swirling 'gem' photon itself. The maximum potential energy point not really being potential energy per se, but the neutral point of kinetic energy. Tapping into here would be tapping into the 'zero' point energy point of eternally existent ever flowing energy. But then again, tapping into here, 'if' distorted what makes up space and time itself (assuming that 'space' is energy itself [the 'gem' photon] and that 'time' is the flow of energy), could it alter or even destroy the very fabric of space itself? What would occur if even only a single pulsating, swirling 'gem' photon were to explode? What potential ripple effects could occur with the rest of space and time?

    Hence also why I try to think some things all the way through so as to try to identify potential issues before the test. Unexpected, unintended, potentially dangerous or even deadly consequences. If nothing else, it keeps my mind active. The mind, use it or lose it, but using it could also lose it, permanently. (My own and other's).

    Putting the 'zero point energy point' into actual practice could be deadly. Warning: Proceed with Caution. The last words of human existence on this Earth might be, 'Hey it worked, ooooppppppsssssss………….'.

    * Note also: Nobody as of yet has been able to show me how numbers and mathematical constants can exist and do what they do in this universe from the Standard Model of Particle Physics (SMPP). While the SMPP has it's place, I believe we need to move beyond the SMPP to get closer to real reality.

  7. Consider the following: Sunrise versus Sunset:
    The Sun basically puts out certain energy frequencies. As the Earth rotates, the 'sunrise' side of the Earth would be receiving higher energy frequencies than the Sun puts out and the 'sunset' side of the Earth would be receiving lower energy frequencies than the Sun puts out.

  8. Who and/or What Am I? Do 'I' even exist? (copy and paste from my files):

    Consider the following:

    a. I am a human as defined by humans.

    b. I am an energy based quarkelectronian as modern science claims that all matter is made up of quarks, electrons and interacting energy and I am made up of matter and interacting energy.

    c. I am a being of 'light', 'if' my current theory of everything is correct whereby the 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in this universe, including space, time and numbers. (Currently dependent upon the results of my gravity test).

    d. "I" do not even actually exist but eternally existent space time exists as me, currently in the forms as above.

    * I exist and yet "I" simultaneously do not exist, dependent upon perspective. But yet, do "I" not truly exist in absolute truth reality as only eternally existent space time exists as all things in absolute truth reality?

    * "I" can mentally change between perspectives thereby experiencing existence from those various perspectives. "My" mind continues to expand, but is it truly 'my' mind that is expanding or is it eternally existent space time's mind that is expanding? In absolute truth reality, it would seem to be the later.

    * 'To Be or Not To Be'. I am both, 'I Am and I Am Not.' But I Am Not it appears more than I Am.

    * Consider also: If asked the general question, 'What do you know?'. My current answer would be, 'Not much compared to all that can be known.' (I Am Not, More than I Am). It's humbling.

    * Is it truly any wonder that the flow of energy in the universe affects species? We are the universe experiencing itself.

  9. I HAVE HEARD TESS Tesla understand everything and then when he died he was infused with wisdom and understanding of all this and then when he died his information when to the government and I heard that all these other people stole his information but do you think of Tesla a long time ago not to test for today


  11. Well rounded video 🙂 great work ! I found your channel searching schuman resonance. I was looking for more information on how it effects our bodys. Quantum entanglement is so cool, Im using it to help people detox with frequencys and lots more. The worlds an amazing place right?!

  12. From my experience/experimentation, I believe psychedelics/mediation/sound frequencies breaks down the barrier between our conscious and subconscious mind, allowing our conscious mind to experience our sub conscious thoughts, feelings and memories….. however I also believe, in our subconscious mind we can access the universal consciousness…

    One of my first truly breakthrough experiences, during my own experimentation was this… the words/feeling/communication I was experiencing, felt as if they were coming from someone/something/somewhere else.

    """"" Hey we've been waiting for you……. don't be scared… don't be scared……. your family is here with us….. you don't really know him well, but he's family, he's family…… it's (then proceeded to tell me a name) he's safe, he's here with us, he's your family don't worry, he's with us""""

    3 days later I was with my mum and we were talking about our family and I was asking if any of my older family members had caught or been effected by c v.. at first she said no…. then after a short pause she said her cousin… with the same name I had heard/felt/experienced 3 days before had been in a coma for 4 days with pneumonia and died the day after my experience…. I was gobsmacked and instantly began to feel an incredibly sadness this was one of the most profound experiences of my life… I had only ever met the man a few times and never really seen him or his family in my day to day life or on social media as I only use this..m. there had been no mention from anyone or way of me knowing about his predicament in the weeks prior. My ability to see this snow has now also been hugely amplified, while staring at anything I can make it I appear in my vision, here's something crazy… I've been able to form whole living scenes from this static/snow, they aren't super clear, but during another couple of session, I was staying at a b and b at the time and the owners son also lived there, I didn’t talk to him as I didn't really like his character, anyway I was seeing a motorbike, very clearly and being told stop looking it's a secret, twice this happened, then a few days later his friend pulled up with two motorbikes in his van to drop off at the b and b…… after much thought and some research, I can only conclude that our minds are like radios and have the ability to tune into different frequencies, that allow us to effectively experience different inputs into our senses/brains.

    I was a hard-core atheist before this…. now I have a new found sense of…. enlightenment amazement, fascination and desire to discover the world to which is there but we cannot see or experience, not in our normal state anyway…..

    Peace, power and freedom to all the psychonauts out there.

  13. I gave your name to UKs Tess Lawery sp? Re: an interview she posted 2 wks ago about 5G risks. She was among the few UK loud cautious voices and deeply involved as the epidemic ramped up. Now seems to be doing content interviews. I suggest you approach her.
    Idaho/UK-(24 yrs)

  14. Thank you for such an amazingly concise and illuminating video! It's exactly what I needed to see!

    Are you aware of the YouTube channel Cultivate Elevate? I feel like you and him could have an incredible conversation together about light (natural and artificial) and its effects on humanity and consciousness, and you both would probably have so much more to talk about together. Just saying, it'd be interesting to see 🙂

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