
Derren Brown Advertising Agency Task

Derren Brown wields his powers of perception and mind manipulation over the unsuspecting and the sceptical.

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31 thoughts on “Derren Brown Advertising Agency Task
  1. Darren needs to hook up with the guy on reno 911 you no the gay cop that where's short shorts hes been in a few movies as well i could see them getting along I wonder how many hundreds of Derren Browns are working in the CIA? Lol I also wonder if he was Born into this life What I mean it is from birth he was taught these things And subtly talk more and more Basically I wonder if he was brainwashed into this lifestyle? If so I'd know if he'd have to have dealt with a lot of demonic People But if like this not by his choice not a bad gig to have

  2. Advertising is a technology.  As with any technology, there are innovations, improvements in effectiveness, and eventual obsolescence.  Technological innovations usually start with the businesses, but eventually spreads to use by individuals.  The revolution will come when individuals can use advertising technologies on themselves.  People will be able to control and filter the images they see and the stimulus they receive to generate the demand that they want to generate, not the corporations.  People who want to want to eat healthier, exercise regularly, lose weight, be less materialistic, more spiritual, more compassionate.  It will be a new age.

  3. Exactly, I find this particular video very helpful thank you! Besides I would like to mention that I am a video marketer, and I use youtube for web traffic. Want to learn exactly how? Please visit my channel on youtube to learn more about how to harness youtube and benefit your web business (how to increase traffic, income, channel popularity, and much more..). Take care!

  4. Believe this video or don't, but marketing research is extremely sophisticated, and product placement and branding within stores and outside the stores is very well studied and a very reliable technique to boost sales. For example, the optimal height above ground level of the product on display is known down to the centimeter. Traffic is routed through aisles in stores where the items the store wants to sell most are on the outside of a turn because customers always look the opposite direction to where they're turning. Even the design of floor tiles will route customers in the direction the business wants the customers to go, and customers are unaware that they are being influenced. Billions of retail dollars are at stake. People have no idea how easily persuaded we are in general. You might think these methods have no effect on you, but they have a general effect on the general population. That's where the money is.

  5. Wow this is completely fake! subliminal marketing does not exist! This video is completely fake and its obvious to see. Watch it again and stop where it shows all of the images. The two aren't even facing the same direction most of the time so would never even see it if they tried. For the image to actually influence the individual they must have ample time to actually process it. The entire video is all BS, Derren Brown is an entertainer, and it definitely fooled a lot of people…

  6. I just came here from a vid where people were litterally saying they WANT to wear a brand on their skin before they even have an idea what it means or what meanings it can have. This is like getting a tatoo of a japanese or chinese character on your skin, and then you are just believing for that time in your life what it means to you is the only meaning it can have. No consideration is taken for if the imagine (just two triangles in the case of the video I came from) could be used by a corporation as their logo. It looks like the volume up and volume down buttons, so pretty much anybody could use it for anything.

    People need to wake up to the very real "worship" of greed. The golden calf of our time. People do not pray to devils and even so called "witches" just worship nature and want to put an ancient sounding name to their religeon so it doesn't sound made up on the spot. But subliminal is very real, maybe not done to this crazy extreme, where they can predict ahead of time, but yes, they put the imagine in your vison, get you to associate it with a feeling or sound that makes you feel good, and bam, they have you. They got you, you wear their brand, and will buy buy buy buy, all day and night and say "Take my money, please!" sometimes litterally.

    Just think about how much someone will do for a brand name or logo when you have them subliminally like this. You are not even aware of it, your mind was distracted by 10 different things, like I am, with the video playing in the background while I type this wall of text. but yeah, basically that.

  7. Does anyone know the details of the company these guys are from, I think he either said NBA or MBA. And any information to state that the company actually exists.

  8. I’ve worked in marketing for over 20 years and I love this video. In fact, I’ve included it in an article I have written on LinkedIn ‘Subliminal Advertising – Fact or Fiction’: . It talks about neuroscience, psychology, perception and attention in modern marketing. I think you might be surprised about an industry hoax which Derren uncovers in another one of his insightful videos!

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