
Dog Communication: Dog Body Language

Go Anywhere Dog – Minneapolis, MN

New Puppy or Rescue dog? Don’t miss this simple and fun video to learn dog language. Once you know how to speak dog your relationship will thrive!

You can learn more from Jody Karow, CTC, Puppy Expert & Dog Life Coach at

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23 thoughts on “Dog Communication: Dog Body Language
  1. Would you mind if I translate your beautiful presentation in romanian in order to use it to teach children in my city about dog^s body language? (I would use the images in the presentation, changing the words in rimanian) Please accept! Kind regards, Simona Tudor

  2. DogSense Online – Dog Trainer – Minnetonka bad video. Nurturing frightened behavior reinforces frightened behavior which will manifest negatively in your dog confidence later on. Nurturing unwanted behavior is what gets you bitten.

  3. DogSense Online – Dog Trainer – Minnetonka
    So much misinformation and lumped assumption in this video – it’s fucking appalling. This is why people get mauled, from listening to garbage like this.

  4. Dog communic…Awesome video….I'm a Dr.with a sound CLINICAL EXPERIENCE OF 35 yrs in EVIDENCE BASED WHOLISTIC HEALTH ESP.HOMOEOPATHY(MD GYNEC MD FF.HOM D.Ac,D.Sc).(treating humans)….I've treated some cats dogs crows parrots rabbits…a tiger in a zoo …But that's nothing…I want to know about DOG wagging tail….Why do some WAG tail while barking…my

  5. I think some info can be wrong as some just depends on you and your dog. And also how well you both know each other and communicate because my dog will clap her teeth when exited and yawn and wag her tail when I speak happy to her and before she gets exitable etc. I think when you know your dog like you know your child these vids become invalid so speak.

  6. Wait, I’m confused? So I have a 9 year old lab, and he’s the most energetic and social dog you’ll ever meet. But when I get home from work he will be giving me the whale eye and barking. He does this thing where he smiles (it looks like a snarl) and his eyes are all squinty, but he’s sneezing and jumping all over the place beside me and on to me and licking me all over. His ears are often back and he’ll be rubbing up against me and often bring up his favorite ball to play with. But according to this he is anxious and angry? Max, my lab, does have separation anxiety, but he is my emotional support dog and we’ve been together for almost 5 years, but due to how much I’ve been working recently, he’s been getting really anxious at home. Due to how often I’m gone, I’ll usually dedicate approx 20 min just to play and cuddle with him when I get home around 11ish, then I’ll get on with my laundry and chores. But even then, I’ll still throw a ball, or give him a give belly rub almost every time I pass him laying down (typically in way, as that’s his favorite place to lay, lol). My step dad is there with him, and max gets along with everyone, but he and I are definitely way closer than he is with anyone else. We always go for runs together, he sleeps in my bed (and if I’m in the living room, I lay on the floor instead of the couch so we can cuddle), he’ll follow me wherever I go in the house, and when I get upset or cry, he will put his head in my lap and bring me his favorite toy as an offering.

    But from what this is telling me, he gets angry? Can someone possibly clarify for me?

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