Consciousness Videos

Dolores Cannon – Evolutionary Changes For The Human Species… Are You Prepared?


Dolores Cannon (1931 – 2014) reveals the new messages coming through her thousands of hypnotherapy clients regarding the changes that are in motion for humanity, specifically, our evolution as a species. What she is being told is that we have two distinctly different outcomes ahead, depending on how we choose to develop our own vibrations. In this interview, she talks about how ET’s are keeping a watchful eye on our human evolution and the two distinctly different outcomes that lie ahead for us.
Some Digital Artifacts present throughout the interview – pls accept our apologies.
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39 thoughts on “Dolores Cannon – Evolutionary Changes For The Human Species… Are You Prepared?
  1. I have decided I’m all in on this alien stuff.. Gonna absorb listen no judgment blah blah but this one is really dumb . .. then the blonde lady that I like … just assumes her kid is one of the spread happiness great kids. Umm that’s just a mother every mother thinks that about their kids so for her to transfer a normal feeling to being one of the special kids makes me immediately put less stock on what she says. Actually kinda makes me think she is full of it.

  2. An absolutely excellent discussion that explains the truth for what it is. Thank you as always for taking the time to share and inform – it is a gift. Stay safe and well. I send lots of light energy. Regards L

  3. Things are changing and one thing is sure her and all those who buy this won't make it through the coming events. They I'm afraid won't be able to process the horrors soon coming, only Jesus save. Ty Jesus.

  4. Paradise Lost … the LOWER Firmament ?

    How to ‘flat-smack’ FLATLANDERS … and make GLOBERS reeeally roll their spherical eye balls ; )

    THIS JUST IN ! ! ! ….
    Are NASA’s “psycho$-in-the-know” simply hiding knowledge of & ACCESS to another “reciprocal firmament” also UNDER our known Flat Earth ?
    To visualize this concept :
    PHYSICALLY Form and MERGE Nature’s two EQUAL-size SOAP BUBBLES !
    Their intersection IS a self-organizing and self-balancing FLAT, soapy DISC between TWO bubble “domes” on BOTH sides of ONE, central, Flat Disc. Hence, by soap-bubble analogy, there may be ANOTHER lower, parallel, UNSEEN, FLAT surface UNDER our KNOWN Flat Earth with its Firmament ‘above.’
    ( “As above, So below” )
    That concept would leave A LOT to hide by “ those in the NO ! ” – – ie. New lands under, more resource$, new physics, possibly new civilizations, CLOSE-by UFO origins, a Garden of Eden and … hmmm …

    The nice thing about this is GLOBERS can have a 3-D sphere to worship, still, while FLATLANDERS can have their ice-ringed disc. 🤔 😃 😂

    You could think of my symmetrical “upgrade” of the present Flat Earth MODEL as being the “FLIP SIDE” of the previous Flat Earth modeling ; one disc with TWO self-stabilizing, flat surfaces between TWO bubble firmaments – – upper and lower.

    Oh, and did I mention there could be a shared TOROIDAL magnetic field with ‘our’ contracting, NORTH pole’s vortex ; spiraling-tightly-down INTO the center of ‘our’ upper Flat Earth’s NORTH POLE with the actual SOUTH magnetic pole exiting ‘DOWN’ and expanding OUT of the CENTER of the LOWER Flat Surface enclosed by its SECOND ‘lower’ Firmament.

    Now move along folks. Nothing to see here … or there ?

    Read & study the BibleS’ originS … with discernment.

  5. Thank you Dolores for wagging your finger at me when i was at the portal entrance… gotta live honestly. Solar Flash comng soon folks. Really. Live from your Heart with Love as you primary valued power and ultimate solution ….. I m going home soon. You got this.

  6. I am single unmarried and don't want kids, I prefer to be alone, I find people to be quite pesky and annoying, I always wondered why I was like this, but now I know, it because I'm a second generation pure soul, how freaking cool is that, it turns out I'm special lol

  7. Germany was the first that reinvented the A-bomb AGAIN, but even Adolf Hitler did not want to use it!!! They gave it to the U.S. (that despite their giant Manhattan Project couldn't figure out how to make one), in exchange for a free passage out of Europe!!! The insane agressive U.S. however, didn't even hesitate to use it on the CIVILIANS of Japan!!! Through the years after using and testing thousands of nuclear weaponry, the E.T's demonstrated actively, they can take over control of ALL nuclear weapon systems placed all over the world!!!

  8. I think I am a first waver. I dislike this place when I look around, I don’t understand people and what they do and constantly think how long do I have to be here, why am I here and when am I going home. I’ve told all my family I do not want to come back here. I constantly try to live in a positive light and be positive for others but I am beaten so many time. I look up to heaven and say, it’s just too hard down here 🤷🏼‍♀️

  9. isnt time an illusion and one can jump back and forth in time as it is merely an illusion. Then why 4d transformation is not yet known.

  10. I didn't like school at all but I went into trying to help the elderly and children. I have 2 sons both were bored and way ahead of there age groups and they each had a child each, and they are way above there age group and were so restless as a 4 month old. Because you could see they wanted to be doing things there body wasn't developed enough to do yet. I'm wondering if I was first was my children 2nd and grandchildren 3rd wave because we love each other but we really like our time to be along even as children and teenagers

  11. Wait So having children starts karma?? meaning you’d HAVE to come back to the simulation?? well.. there goes my whole lineage cause I’m not coming back to this mf 👌🏽🩸🩸 yeet

  12. I have known from a young age there was something different about me. I’ve been fortunate to know that about myself since childhood. Always had an understanding about the world and people and energy well above my maturity level. It’s not been easy but the older I have become the more clear it becomes

  13. Hahahilarious. Cute old lady. Hahaha very funny. People are so far from Jesus its just really not funny!!!!! Its so sad!!!!! There are beings that are here to bring positivity!!???(angels) hahaha

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