
Drummer Tracks Sounding Wimpy? Pump Up Their Punch With Logic’s Phat FX

Why Logic Pro Rules

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**Enjoy this video on pumping up wimpy Drummer tracks with Phat FX? Never miss a reason Why Logic Pro Rules. Subscribe Today:

Drummer is possibly one of the best songwriting tools ever in a DAW. Learn how to use the Phat FX plugin to pump up the power and punch in your Drummer tracks. .


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13 thoughts on “Drummer Tracks Sounding Wimpy? Pump Up Their Punch With Logic’s Phat FX
  1. Man! Phat FX is such a powerful weapon!!! I don't understand why people love to hate stock plugins, but most of them are ranging from good to awesome, like Phat FX (:

  2. Trust all Logic needs to do is create access to ghost notes ( seeing the invisible notes that other instruments are playing) and then the people will choose it as the best DAW. It’s a simple fix they just got to do it

  3. Hey really like your tutorials, but got to say I can't hear any difference at all (Got to the 2:29min mark). Also your compression tutorial, although very interesting, again I couldn't hear any difference when you're turning the compressor on and off. Im listening through Adam T5 monitors. Im getting worried. Maybe Im deaf to compression and the like. Is it just me???

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