Consciousness Videos

Ecological Conformity and the Sacred: Insight/Trauma resolution/Horror/Awe/Fascism

Daniel Greig

A stream of consciousness about the essential function of experiences of sacredness in promoting conformity between an organism and reality, inspired by my conversations with Dr. John Vervaeke. I touch on subjects like trauma, fascism, horror, awe, transformation.

The video by Peter Levine referenced:


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4 thoughts on “Ecological Conformity and the Sacred: Insight/Trauma resolution/Horror/Awe/Fascism
  1. I like the connection you're drawing between trauma and the "just get it over with" prey response. I imagine that in animals, trauma is an experience of being trapped or oppressed by their own emotional responses. We are the same, but on top of that we have an overactive, highly metaphorical justification engine that can't help itself but to translate our felt situation into a metaphysical projection onto the world, which we then conceptually inhabit. Trauma writ large as a prison universe. A familiarity with this mechanism, and with our power to project onto the world in general, seems very important, not only to help us break out of our (often trauma based) prison projections, but to help us avoid getting stuck again. What needs to be avoided is metaphysical superstition, the conviction that ones conception of the world is basically final. This is "simply" epistemic humility. Now, take that imperative and put it into the overactive justification and projection engine, and we get another metaphysical conception: that of reality being mind-transcendent and thus ultimately ungraspable. I feel like this is a special kind of "negative" metaphysics that we should insist on. That it is a most worthy candidate for a basis of a 'religion that's not a religion'. I am curious what you think about this idea. Sorry if this comes across as pushing my own hobby horse. It definitely is that, but I also think it's relevant.
    I really enjoyed the video, please make more! One small suggestion: I think you should make it more explicit when you are quoting something. I was only confused for a second or two in this video, but still.

  2. I think thinking about the spiritual as purely conforming is to limited, it is one aspect of it for sure but does not capture the non conforming aspects of spirituality especially evident throughout history associated with raptures in conformity.

    Just came across an interesting article you might be into to inform your thinking by Hunt.

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