Consciousness Videos

Edward Witten On Consciousness #shorts #consciousness

Sci Explained

Edward Ed Witten on consciousness. I think consciousness will remain a mystery. Yes, that’s what I tend to believe. I tend to think that the workings of the conscious brain will be elucidated to a large extent. Biologists and perhaps physicists will understand much better how the brain works. But why something that we call consciousness goes with those workings, I think that will remain mysterious. I have a much easier time imagining how we understand the Big Bang than I have imagining how we can understand consciousness… Ed Witten

Related topics: #physics #quantum #interview #universe #bigbang #consciousness #science #podcast #shorts #cosmos #humans #artificialintelligence #mathematics

Also watch: Humans are stardust

Quantum entanglement

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30 thoughts on “Edward Witten On Consciousness #shorts #consciousness
  1. Makes sense. The evolution of the universe is overwhelmingly deterministic. As long as we have the math to trace everything back (we do, I believe) then it's just a matter of "solving for X" so to speak. Consciousness is completely non deterministic however. We probably wont ever even be able to say when consciousness "began existing!"

  2. I completely understand consciousness. I think, therfore i am.
    I remember, therefore I was. Present, past.
    My past has brought me to think and believe my presence and present.
    And my my desire and choices, using my present and past will define my future that i have control over.

  3. What I 'think' (not feel or believe) is we cannot come up with a theory that explains consciousness while utilising the very same consciousness to do it.
    We can explain how a neuronal impulse is initiated or gets conducted and ultimately leads to the functioning of an effector organ.
    But we cannot really go till the very beginning of conscious thinking, planning and organizing. .
    We are always explaining things from somewhere in the middle..
    That's why we could explain the Origin of a reflex very easily because it has a definitive qnd tangible begining.

    The only way we can possibly try and understand consciousness is by being the Creator.
    It's like the LHC trying to understand the Big Bang.
    If we can become the Creator and create an AI that is able to achieve the same levels of conscious interpretation as us humans, then maybe we can do something like a Case – control study and come up with hypotheses…

  4. Suppose to be so smart and can't imagine or come to a conclusion what conciousnes means. First of all what is concousnes? It's definitely linked to how advanced the brain is. More advanced, more things you understand and perceive, notice, process, hence we think of it as concious. Dog is less concius, advanced alien would be more concous then. Comes down to the level of brain processing, how much is brain aware of itself and surroundings.

  5. incredible insight, understanding the big bang vs consciousness shoes you how amazing we truly are. That it stumps the smartest minds, I wonder this guys take on Qauntum Computing and AI?

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