Consciousness Videos

Einstein and the Quantum: Entanglement and Emergence

World Science Festival

#BrianGreene #blackholes #AlbertEinstein #quantummechanics
With his General Theory of Relativity, Einstein illuminated the grand expanse of the cosmos, but he was also instrumental in developing quantum mechanics for describing the microworld. In Einstein’s day, these advances were considered unrelated but recent insights suggest that they may be secretly connected–significantly advancing our understanding of quantum threads that may stitch the fabric of spacetime. Leonard Susskind, Ana Alonso-Serrano and Mark Van Raamsdonk join Brian Greene to examine this newfound link and explore its implications for uniting the laws of the large and those of the small.

This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

Leonard Susskind
Ana Alonso-Serrano
Mark Van Raamsdonk

Brian Greene

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#LeonardSusskind #MarkVanRaamsdonk #AnaAlonsoSerrano #QuantumEntanglement


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50 thoughts on “Einstein and the Quantum: Entanglement and Emergence
  1. I wonder how many of these brilliant-minded people know that the Universe is hermetical.
    I always wondered where the edge of the Universe was and then I realized it is inside the observer. What is the furthermost point from the background cosmic radiation which is all around us? Yes, you guessed it right, it is YOU. 🙂 Inside each one of us is the edge of the Universe. And its center. It is where the Big Bang once took place, it is where the Universe ends. It is hermetical. 🙂You can actually feel it when you let go of yourself. It works itself out spontaneously. Ever since I decided to have no empathy with my ego did I start to be truly empathetic to myself. It sounds like a paradox but it is so. It provides you with a new perception of reality and turns you into a nicer person. And it manifests itself in how you behave to the rest of the world. All is love and all art derives from it. The less you think about yourself the better you become at whatever you do. The embodied perception of reality makes you perceive things in all their subtlety (it feels like you could feel things and creatures through your mind), it is beautiful. Life is love, there's nothing to fear. It is all about the mindset.

  2. To a layman like me who failed science and math, y'all sound crazy. But I've been listening and watching, and I'm putting things together little by little. Facinating.

  3. It seems to me that Einstein was like a hacker for QM; he understood it as much as was dismayed by its "vagary"

    so much that he tried to find its loopholes, and that way helped the QM community hone it and understand it better themselves

  4. I could write a book for hours just on his first 20 seconds of this video with his opinion… Not worth the time. I'd rather bs back…. Everything is very real all based from MEMORIES, what is sad, is they are trying to come off smart, to people that are smarter than stupid, that can relate to a computer from no space time fundamental, which gravity divided by a laptop in false reality plus sign language booze style, then back to the future, ( Part II ) possibly a guitar riff into the realm of………… 2 + 2 = space time, is doomed in the 4rth dimension off the 5th kind of a 3rd dimension while going to see the new, wait for it………. Ant Man x Einstein ( Its really fun ) at the parking LOT with lucky breaks at the lot space of the plan of MAGA while thanking Trump that called Biden Joe, WWG1WGA ? Do NOT forget the worm that called Abe at the miracle loft… Thus proceed with caution with water down to reproduce, by apes at the garden of elves by golly… Such a wonderful video, by students that would probably be zero, that unrelates to matter of a baseball collapse of information… Now that is questioning what we call reality ( Bold claim ) at the Sicilian convention center, for broads in the city of fire crackers, with no standard of a real ninja meter to anyone's surprise… Later

  5. 😂
    It's not complicated! Feels little like magic.

    Control is an illusion. Free Will is reality. No one can take it away, we give it away. What is your value?

  6. Let me tell you guys, I consider myself relatively scientifically inclined, I suppose you could say. I think as I'm progressing through my later 20's, finding a sense of meaning and purpose in the rigidity of the fields I have interest in can feel difficult, but recently it clicked with me. Seeing the photos of some of the most profound humans that have ever existed, albeit in our extremely brief time, made me realize that quite literally it is UP TO US, to continue carrying the torch of humankind forward. Asd an engineer, this is where I assign my abstract inter-personal definition of 'meaning' in life, because in a way it's like seeing the beauty of reality through the lens and curiosity of those who came before us. Just as a quick note, I am not one of those people that thinks that everyone should be a scientist because it's 'efficient' or 'best' for us, but rather that we all play an integral role in carrying the torch forward together. We have a very complex inter-connected society, and even the simple luxuries of things like fast food, and entertainment, are integral to supporting each other by offering our services and talents in meaningful ways.

  7. How are Michelson and Morley not included in the great scientist roll.
    Oh yeah……..they proved the earth was stationary.
    Only those who create gobbledygook theories and nonsense equations to support the heliocentric model get to be page three models.

  8. I have an proposal, Hydrogen Atoms joingjoing Oxygen Atoms they became a fluid that can be a gas or liquid or solid, as a whole are they entangled? They know how to combine or change?

  9. I wonder about the atmosphere and the ozone layer. That the ozone layer is meant to contain us and that removing it, they convinced us that the weather and things would be worst. Yet we know many places have more weather problems, some of which are not below the eroded ozone. I have had the thought of echo and no not the echo of Eckhart. That the atmosphere and that layer up in space, that is the boundary of earth is the limit of all sounds and once all sounds of earth reaches that, it gets echoed back to Earth, good and bad. The more bad there is, the more it comes back causing more. It's really odd that movie about trying to get to the end of the earth as he realized things happening the same way often. When that was an over exaggeration of course but means that is the barrier of the earths atmosphere contained within the ozone layer? There is something about this layer and echo, am pretty sure of this.

  10. How to measure a super-position in quantum physics, we would need something that measures faster than light. I have several suggestions for this. And it would make a quantum computer work und a few things more.

  11. …separated at great lengths infers information being shared and not any imaginable or real energy as a harbor(s) for an instantinitiy result.
    Which seems more realistically an illusion rather than true real time/distance result.

  12. ALways struggle with the cross over from quantum to classic, hearing Brian & Leonard contemplate this is fastinating.

  13. Perhaps the two objects can be entangeled at different points in time, as well as at, the same time. Like past and future. Instantaniously yet both in the past and the future at the same time.

  14. One, two, three./ where would we be ?
    In the mysterious realm of space, we see ?
    We see, not with our eyes, but of our mind. Which is energy of a different kind.
    Not obeying physical laws, but of a
    Type of energy, without any flaws .
    Eternal energy of the mind, is really easy
    Easy to find.
    When you look inside, inside your mind.

  15. We are a bug in a living body , made by other alien bugs , traveling in the blood of the god In a bubble , talking about how to find more bubbles to live in , seemingly close to a gut in a microbiome , wormholes look like blood vessels or veins sucking and pumping blood , we just happen to have a built in eyesight to see the stars to gather nutrients, I imagine the atomic bombs are giving “god” an ulcer

  16. in Buddhism ☸️ they teach the interdependence of all things…
    cause and effect
    positive and negative
    yin ☯️ and yang
    absolutely everything is dependent on the stuff around it for its own existence….
    how can it be otherwise?
    so… your thoughts and ideas create your future.. individually and collectively… your thoughts and ideas turn into your words and deeds… individually and collectively
    we are the Universe looking back at itself…
    we are not.. and can not be separate from the Universe around us
    or each other
    keep your eyes open 👀
    don't take no wooden nickels y'all
    and… be nice
    absolutely everyone knows how
    … because it's all interrelated..
    you will be glad you did 🙏🏼
    namaste = I recognize the creator in you
    Namaste 🙏🏼

  17. In quantum Leaps. Entanglement and Emergence happen all ~ @ 10nce, ten dimensions, from 01 to 010. a separation Church and State. From 0 we come to zero we go.
    Belief Systems (B.S.).
    If you don't UNDERSTANDING the system, you bound to believe the Absurd..

  18. Intelligent Design Begins With The Universe

    Who is it out there that can come up with a more perfect Intellegent Design of the Universe. for life on this Earth? Then we can honestly research the Intelligent Design of life.

    Knowledge is not created in the Human Brain. The Human Brain was only Designed to receive Knowledge.

    Science Lacks Understanding The Spirit Energy Source.

    The Great Designer and Creator, Matter, Knowledge, Energy, Time and Space Has Always Existed. All are Without Beginning or end. Beginning and End only reveals an absence. However the Universe did have a beginning. It is a very complex and Intelligent Designed. And the Universe is very old.

    Creation is only the rearrangement of matter as Matter does not evolve from nothing.

    Though Science Lacks The Understanding of The Spirit Energy Source. Science has been using The Spirit Energy Source for Many years. As that is where knowledge is found.

    Truth is All That Truly Exists

    Other Than Truth there is Just The understood Concept of An Absence. Lies with intent to deceive or not is fantasy. Lies remain in the nonexistent realm.

    The Great Creator is far more Massive and complex than the God worshipers realize and understand.

    The Great Creator is not a being somewhere in space.

    The Great Creator is a huge mass of spirits in perfect unity. And with the same care and respect for each another.

    It is the complex intelligent design of Life and creation of the Universe Where in we Live That truly proves Intelligent Design of Life.

    It is the accuracy of the distance and speed the Erath's' orbit around the sun, that makes Life on Earth possible.

    Then The proper tilt of the axes for the seasons. The Earth was Designed for life on this Earth.

    Even Matter is made up of a mass of small particles. The success of all existence is in the Mass of small particles that is in unity with each other. The lack of unity is the human's greatest problem in its mass.

    Love and Care for All Other as You Would Like to be Loved and Cared for. It is the basic of Justice. It is the only success for humanity.

    It is science that has proven the Intelligent Design of all Creation.

    And that is what Nature is. Nature did not Create its self.

    Truth is not freedom. Truth has absolute boundaries'. Justice comes only by the truth.

    Freedom has absolutely no boundaries', freedom is chaos.

    Words are not substance or Matter. Words are like names with the endeavor to transport an understood concept from one being to another being.

    Gods Are Imaginary Personages Of Worship

    Gods are not creators. There are Hundreds of Gods that the human has worshipped.

    Fathers are not creators. It takes both father and Mother to create a child and the mother has more to do with the creation than does the father. The child is attached to the mother for nine months receiving nutriments for the creation.

    Religion has refused to give Honest respect to the female. And they have exalted the male, with the Lie that the Father is the creator of the child.

    Most would understand better if they had experienced the many Miracle in my 90 Years on this earth.

    The most outstanding was George Neigh and his Daughter that had a special spiritual gift of filling hollow teeth with gold or silver. five had a diamond imbed in the filling. His Daughter would invite people to watch the metal pour into the hollow tooth.

    However, The gift of filling teeth as George and his daughter had, is no greater than the technology that the Gifts humans have received from the spiritual realm of the Great Creator; in the medical professions and communication.

    A great many lives have been save by the gift of the medical professions.

    The Gift of Understanding Knowledge is far more practical and beneficial to Humanity Than Georges' Gift of filling teeth.

    In fact George was very upset with people trying to use him as a Dentist; Coming to his house asking to have their tooth filled.

    His gift was only to show the spirit energy source; Not to take the place of a dentist.

    Words to the honest and wise: honesty and understanding is the only true belief. Without honesty and understanding we do not know what to believe.

    To accept other’s opinion of the truth without proving it to yourself; it is being deceived it is not believing.

    We must understand to believe.

    Until Next time: Sweet Dreams: Truth will solve all our problems before we create them; and ignore or reject the truth; problems will multiply all by themselves; those problems will need no help.

    Have a great and a meaningful life if it is at all possible.

    Just whispers, of the Ghost of Reality.

  19. WHY the Hell do we NEED background music! Is there anyone else with , not exactly, deafness but a difficulty hearing at voice level? Spoiled a good programme.

  20. Leon Suskind saved this talk. The other two guests are very poor speakers.
    Ana is obviously not a native English speaker so her vocabulary is limited
    Mark was doing more gesturing than communicating.
    Brian squandered an opportunity to educate due to a wrong selection of guests

  21. Hey guys how many numbers are between 0and 1 ? I'll tell ya it's not 1.. it's infinity and your brain can't ever comprehend that trust me you can't but think on that there is no "1" there's zeros forevermore if you see what I see you will see why it's easy to just use entanglement to create a faster than light trav yeah yeah I know it sounds crazy so did electric 300 years ago I'm working on it any one want to help me get thru some patches with time time slow ? I think it's bypassed with a idea I have and would love a guy to tell me I'm wrong so I can improve I mean to use A satellite of high degree to send information to a super quantum computing system just to basically guess at the entanglement of a particle we have in say a ship core with a far planets that the observation sat has fed the quantum computing system over a 10 year (possible one million year+) to the standard computer it can find the similar wave even tho they have yet to meet it finds the the exact wave if it were to entanglement of them at a distance and then call on that to basically bystep as the quantum world does time and spaces tug and get there instantly I have a lot more ideas I just need a person who knows a lot to help me see my flaws and guide me I think problems like this need as many people as possible

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