
Einstein's Greatest Mistake – with David Bodanis

The Royal Institution

Albert Einstein is widely considered to be the greatest genius of all time. But in the final decades of his life, he was mostly ignored by his colleagues. Writer David Bodanis explores the genius and hubris of the titan of modern science.
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Widely considered the greatest genius of all time, Albert Einstein revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos with his general theory of relativity and helped to lead us into the atomic age. Yet in the final decades of his life he was also ignored by most working scientists, his ideas opposed by even his closest friends. Bestselling author of E=mc², David Bodanis, discusses Einstein’s Greatest Mistake, a brisk, accessible biography of Albert Einstein that reveals the genius and hubris of the titan of modern science.
David Bodanis was born in Chicago, lived in France for a decade, and makes his home in London. He studied mathematics, physics and history at the University of Chicago, and for many years taught the “Intellectual Tool-Kit” course at Oxford University. He is fascinated by story-telling and the power of ideas.

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38 thoughts on “Einstein's Greatest Mistake – with David Bodanis
  1. Einstein had escaped the Holocaust and some of his friends die in concentration camps. You left that out. That would cause depression in anyone, let alone in the mind of a genius.

  2. Great lecture, intersting, and enjoyed all the way up til the political comment…unsubscribed…?. Please keep science and politics separated. Just the facts, with a pleasant historic story, is great…#keep political biases out of science.

  3. Wasn't the German mathematician David Hilbert just weeks away from cracking general relativity at the time Einstein published ?

  4. Before you credit Einstein with satellites, please prove the existence of satellites.

    And we'd be better off without all this knowledge, while our corrupt elites lack the maturity for it.

  5. If you are interested in  knowing  why Einstein’s 2 main  postulates of Special Relativity  have been disproved by several experiments
    (Sagnac, Michelson-Gale, GPS satellites and instruments, Lene Hau’s slowdown
    and stopping of light, etc.) you can read here a new study

  6. Albert Einstein is widely considered to be the greatest genius of all time. No me (mass-energy)
    Rodney Kawecki

    The universe is expanding but its expansion is accelerating the timeline. Since its expanding the Relativists ''light constant'' is debunked. The universe's expansion does not change the age of the universe as we believe it but if in Hubble Theory the universe is round like a ball and not flat as Einstein sees it, not only does the age of the universe change so does everything like its length. (geographical length) A hundred years ago sailors measured the length between landmarks using a fold-page which showed the length of measurements curving and not seable or whats around the corner and bringing it to view on a flat chart. ( For instance, light (quanta) lurking around the corner changes into e/m waves) Albert Einstein used the mass of the length of light '' meaning the mass affected by gravity '93,000 m/s' changed the length with ''billions of light years'' and called that the length of it the flat universe. That's of course the ''light constant' is taken seriously and of course it was.
    Nothing changes if nothing changes it.
    Erwin Hubble than proved Einstein was wrong when he discovered the universe was expanding at a speed greater than light. Though no scientist has recalculated that length over history from 19010 Hubble showed the universe was round like the Earth was not flat.
    How can something so wrong be so right – ""Advancing Physics ""? So the band plays on ! That's an original ?

  7. I think David Bodanis At 14:20 made a great mistake (and he repeats it again seconds later): during the 1919's expedition, Sir Eddington and others, proved that light (NOT time) bends because of gravity. That was the definitive confirmation that Einstein' theory was right, But NOT the confirmation that time slow down in presence of gravity.

  8. ALBERT EINSTEINS mistakes: carry-on men. It still works..we can't go beyond.
    Most believe the universe is positive-negative even darkness. But haven't discovered the 'graviton".
    Could the dark element not be positive nor negative holding the balance in the universe as most think – as a 115th element -space. To unify the laws of gravitation there has to exist a common number that links all surviving gravity measurements like earth gravitation, space (zpe) moon 'g' measurements.
    " The Quanta Physics Theory " the universe cant be perfect c/v .. mc/v .. and light is not any type of universal speed limit. If it were everything stops there. And it doesn't.
    If the 'light' were the universal speed limit' or velocity or components. All anybody needs is a flashlight. c/v g G
    (c/v g G ) all need to be unified. And that's what Relativity does….but its wrong. The universe's mass pushes faster than light and its been measured.

  9. Einstein was not HALF the genius people think he was.
    He was good at stealing, yes. Just like Thomas Edison, he stole other people's ideas, made a few changes and then pretended it was his idea……
    Why was he not welcome, anywhere? Because people knew who he really was. They knew he stole other people's ideas.
    Einstein also promoted the atom bomb, openly vented his (unfounded) hatred for Germans and demonised Germany, he was a communist, zionist, treated his wife and children badly, committed adultery and incest (had a relationship with his niece Elsa) and he promoted Jewish science and denounced western science……….
    Yeah……. this genius was a very nice man…………….
    And I haven't even mentioned all the bad things about him.

  10. Didn't even make it to two minutes. When did the village idiot become so widely acclaimed as a genius? He's more akin to Chauncey the Gardner. As for Mr. Bodanis, he could use a lot more reading of science history.

  11. Einstein rated Nikola Tesla as a far greater, more inventive thinker than himself. They, the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL BANKING COMPLEX suppressed the knowledge of Tesla & his 700+ patents. Tesla gave the world alternating current for starters, florescent lighting… why do I bother…

  12. Lol that was funny I liked when he hit the ball to the crowd. That was crazy. I like it. Cool earth pillow. Distortion of "light" is zero evidence of distortion of "time." there is zero correlation, but instead, it is a physical effect that you don't know about. You can have a distortion of energy but that is zero indication of any distortion of time. There is no curve in spacetime nor geometry calculated nor used in Nasa flights and thus is a practical example proving that the "curvature in spacetime" of the earth to space, doesn't exist. Practical science in action assuming they actually do it, so argue with them about whether they did it or not, feel free. Einstein believed in God, creator, structure, finite limitation of physics, pondering the mind of God. 19teens Einstein knew the universe was expanding and still much of scicom living in denial today to and still on Big space fart propaganda instead. Einstein's theory of time warp also not calculated into scicom's age of …well, anything let alone the age of the universe. They forgot that. lol Two thumbs up for him stating that the astronomers were WRONG, which is about the only reliable weekly event in scicom establishment of what they claim and say and push on everyone. You don't need to be smart to conclude that the universe is expanding you just need to read the words "light can not be quenched" to know about it, or "let there be light" they are not limitation statements. Heisenberg principle needs to be attached to every piece of work that scicom does and made part of the minimum ethical standard teaching requirements especially of those who propagandize that public scientists "shouldn't dispute science" with the astronomers (or ClimateChange cults) …."who were wrong for about 100 years" Mass and energy are NOT equivalent, thats funny. "weight, mass" of the "energy" (energy label) or (substance called or with name tag put on it of "energy") or "that which fills the volume of space" which the attractive force of the earth is "pulling on" is one thing. But the "energy" of that thing, is something else. It's the label which is incorrect and thus incorrectly used. Scicom are improperly labelling "energy" as "energy" but in fact "energy" or E in (emc2) is that total sum force which can be extracted from that which occupies the space, not only ONE measurement of that which occupies the space. This also shows that EMC is broken. I have a 5 formulae formula which is far better than and to measure the true energy of something you need AT LEAST these 5, energy IS NOT a 2 dimensional chalkboard equation like EMC2 suggests. We don't live in a 2D universe as the clock analogy here suggests either. To further complicate the matter is that factually there is no limit to the amount of energy that can be extracted from that which occupies the space OR the space in itself OR the reactions between 2 spaces. For there is nothing more powerful in this universe than the impossibility of nothingness, of no motion, and thus infinite potential energy. Einstein was ignored because he believed in God and spoke out about it, particularly later in life.

  13. Einstein is a genius??? He used the results derived from all other people and gave a new interpretation and then he called it the theory of relativity. BTW, even his calibration of clock thing was borrowed from the time calibration technique which was used very commonly at that time. Many physicists thought of his time calibration technique as ingenious simply because they were all hiding in their offices doing math and never knew anything about the real world.

  14. At the IAS, Einstein had a long relationship with Kurt Gödel. I've read Turing's Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe (2012) by George Dyson, and some of Freeman's own recounts of his time at the IAS, so I'm not longer sure from which source I picked this up, but even during Einstein's intellectual isolation from most of the physics community, he had a constant stream of important people in the arena of global arms control making a pilgrimage to Princeton to confer with Einstein, sometimes on an almost daily basis. I got the feeling from one of these Dyson accounts that half of Einstein's time was devoted to quiet diplomacy, where he was anything but isolated. Turing's Cathedral is a good read for those who are interested in this sort of thing. An excellent wine pairing is to read it alongside Big Science: Ernest Lawrence and the Invention That Launched the Military-Industrial Complex (2015).

  15. I loved this lecture, very informative! Nice to hear someone focus on the human side of genius. We quickly grow used to changed circumstances, and we forget that human beings — often individuals working largely alone — can be the cause of seismic worldwide change … and that these individuals can have hard times, limitations, can put on blinkers (just like anyone else) that somehow limit in some small way their enormous contribution, leaving room for those to come to expand upon their innovation. A very nice take on Albert Einstein and his era.

    (It’s interesting, going through the comments, trying to guess the private agendas of people complaining about one aspect or another of this lecture: I suspect more than a few of them were drawn to the title hoping this was to be a “debunking” of Einstein’s findings, and a defense of their own pet quack theories? I guess I’m not sorry they’re disappointed, but I’m surprised they’d tune into a video from a channel devoted to legitimate science expecting to hear that magnets provide limitless energy or that Tesla was murdered for discovering this, etc. Maybe review the video you actually saw, rather than comparing it to the one you’d hoped to see?)

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