Consciousness Videos

Electrons and observer, Heisenberg Copenhagen experiment


Video about the interactions between the observer and electons, the observer can change the behaviour of the electrons, this experiment results could change our wiew of the universe and our relationship with the matter, can we shape it?

I recommend two book in particular:
– The Olographic Universe by Michael Talbot
– The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra


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25 thoughts on “Electrons and observer, Heisenberg Copenhagen experiment
  1. you are wrong mpd19666. the measuring instrument isnt producing any light, it is 'observing' the light, the same lighting conditions exist regardless of the observer. It is the act of observing itself that collapses the wave function, to understand this you need to understand the nature of reality. This universe is nothing but a hologram, an illusion, produced by consciousness. Before consciousness 'collapses the wave function' into reality everything exists as a probability cloud. Time is an illusion, only now exists, what happens next could be anything. Your consciousness creates your reality.

  2. @tberrardy The problem is that the photon, or whatever we use to "illuminate" the particle does not have to interact with it directly. This interaction doesn't even have to occur during the particle's lifetime. QM may not be supernatural, but it is quite revolutionary.

  3. @mpd19666 There is a lot of confusion on that issue. According to Leonard Suskind in his book 'The Black Hole Wars: …', it is the photons used to illuminate the particle that cause the collapse of the wave function. I suspect that some religious people may deliberately or through wishful thinking try to exploit this phenomena to support their supernatural beliefs.

  4. @mpd19666 There is a lot of confusion on that issue. According to Leonard Suskind in his book 'The Black Hole Wars: …', it is the photons used to illuminate the particle that cause the collapse of the wave function. I suspect that some religious people may deliberately or through wishful thinking try to exploit this phenomena to support their supernatural beliefs.

  5. @ButtplugClock I'm simply trying to point out that attempts to "demystify" QM by resorting to classical explanations will not succeed. That does not mean that "quantum mysticism" is justified. It does mean that we have to abandon LOCAL MECHANISMS, which is quite revolutionary.

  6. The distinction between virtual reality and physical reality is, I believe, merely semantic. Information is the one thing every physical particle, every physical force, even what we call space and time, have in common. With a sufficiently sophisticated computer, properly programmed, it is difficult to see how a virtual particle would look different to a virtual human than a "real" one looks to us.

  7. QM is indeed revolutionary, I think most people have no clue how revolutionary it is. They insist on continuing with classical reasoning which simply won't work. Of course this does not mean that quantum mysticism is justified. What physics is pointing us to, in my opinion, is Wheeler's idea that the fundamental constituent of what we call physical reality is information. We already know that information can be converted into energy using a Szilard's engine. Nothing mystical about that.

  8. continued… and making particles do what we want. On the other side, my ego would find strange that I am merely a spectator in my body. What i mean to say is, it is quite clear that our brain is limited and there's many things we cant comprehend.. that seem just fantasy or impossible, but yet even denying them would be illogical.

  9. @mpd19666 i think the major problem in understanding quantum physics (maybe it's just not really understandable by human brain, like infinity) is that it puts into question your very state of being. We feel we decide, take actions, have a free will… yet we do know that particles react in a specific way to things around them. and we are made of particles. it would sound strange to me that we have free will.. because that would mean that we are ''gods'', defying all rules of physics and

  10. @FirstTruthSeeker Science is not dogma; dogma by definition is undisputable. Everything science puts forward is completely disputable and can be proven wrong if given evidence.

    Heisenberg in his writings on the Copenhaguen interpretation stated clearly the difference between an observer and a measuring device. The guy in this video is plainly disregarding this difference so he can give space to this movies mubo-jumbo.

  11. What do you mean observed by the eye? Its not actually an eye observing the electrons… the eye in the video is so retards can understand.

  12. You are wrong. The same experiment was done with a lens cap on while the camera ran & it knew it was not being watched then resumed as a wave. Even though the electronics in the camera were still working the electron knew if it was being observed or if it was not. Showing the electrons or that which controlled them to be knowledgeable through visual stimuli. Other experiments like Roger Vogelsang's STI device showed it to be omniscient. The EPR experiment showed it to be eternal & omnipresent.

  13. To properly annalise this sketch, you should see the all movie: "what the bleep do we know". Its about Quantum Mechanics and Spirituality. Well you can see where this leads…
    Personally I believe that it's all bullshit and of course I understand your conflicting stories. They use complex concepts as the ones in QM, that most people donĀ“t acknowledge, but the real message that they share as actually nothing to do with Physics.

  14. How smart you all, people, are… The cartoon is great, especially for children and kids at school: it does not scare them from the science and it explains perfectly the main ideas. Why are you so snobbish, faultfinders? Make the cartoon yourselves then and help us, school teachers to reason with kids about the uncertainty principle. Thank you to the creators of this cartoon.

  15. That's why Neils Bohr said something like if quantum mechanics doesn't profoundly shock you, you don't understand it

  16. haha,is this a joke? i think the term "observer" has confused alot of people, the electron isn't AWARE of anything, and the light shining on it isn't disturbing it. if you would like to learn more about it, i just suggest googling it

  17. Not always is just the light that changes things, sometimes seems to be only the observer, i think that in a not so far future, we will discover a lot of things about these happening that now seems to be so strange.

  18. he is absolutly right!!! that film is crap. It say things that are really really close to the truth, but uses them to sugest things that are purely un-scientific like he said.
    For example, everything said about the heisenberg principle is true, BUT it implies that observing means watching, which is not true, observing means "using some measuring instrument to obtain some magnitude". Then, when you MEASURE some property you make the wavefunction colapse

  19. Until 100 years ago, 99% of scientists were laughing at the Einstein theory, now it's a Dogma. Science leads at a form of ateism, but at the other part at a sort of science-religion, because everything scientific it's untouchable like dogma. I think that these could be theory, not far from science, end we have so many things to discover in this new science era.

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