
Elon Musk Talks On Neuralink: Artificial Intelligence Future of Superhuman Cyborgs?

Find out what is Neuralink, Elon Musk’s newest project, which aims to develop a computer to human brain interface. This would allow us to communicate data with technology on speeds far greater then simply typing or clicking. Neuralink is Elon Musk’s response to the exponential advancement of Artificial Intelligence. He wants to combine the human brain with AI, building a stable symbiosis, which would push our cognition to a superhuman level!

No, you are not reading a script for the reboot of The Matrix. I am absolutely fascinated by what the technology of brain-computer interface can offer. Interaction thorough nothing but our thoughts? Digital downloads, directly to the brain, why not a digital world, created for our consciousness? While the opportunities are limitless, there are a lot of problems to be overcome on the way, with even more: health, security & social risks that need to be tackled.

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This video is made from a few Elon Musk interviews as part of my series on the Future of Technology – the most interesting innovation, problems, solutions and vision for the future. In this video you can look into Elon Musk’s mindset and also find out about artificial intelligence progress!

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Back in 2015, Professor Pedram Mohseni and Rudolph J. Nudo created a startup called ‘NeuraLink’. The pair of neurotech researchers had developed a device that could potentially help people suffering from brain injuries. Investors didn’t show a great deal of interest, but in 2016 Elon Musk offered to purchase the rights to the name, Neuralink.

Fast forward to the 27th of March 2017 and Musk announced that he will be backing a new brain-computer interface venture, Neuralink. The ultimate goal of this new company is to merge man with machine, fusing human intelligence with artificial intelligence to bring humanity up to a higher level of cognitive reasoning. Without this technology, Musk argues that humans will be unable to keep pace with advances in artificial intelligence.

So far, Musk has been calling this brain-computer interface technology ‘neural lace’. In essence, neural lace is an ultra-thin mesh that is implanted in the skull, and forms a body of electrodes which are able to monitor brain function.

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