
Emerging Russian Skynet To Lead To Full Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) With The Navy

Russia Insight

In a step towards creating independent artificial intelligence comparable to Skynet from the ‘Terminator’ franchise, a Russian company has successfully tested software capable of undertaking decisions and carrying them out without any human intervention.
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49 thoughts on “Emerging Russian Skynet To Lead To Full Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) With The Navy
  1. Russians gotta be major dumb if they're comparing their systems to Skynet and thinking it'll turn out well for them lol

    Take some lessons from the movie WarGames while you're at it.

  2. I like this channel but duck some of the sensationalism is fucking annoying. I doubt this shit is implemented through all of the armed forces. Skynet wouldn't be able to launch yet in Russia cause of the latency.

  3. russia needs a spell checker for it labels. This label is spelled incorrectly showing it is a Russian speaker not natural englisher. which does have a slight charm but distances english speakers from the incoherent Russian thinker.

  4. God says: He will rule not by military force but by my HOLY SPIRIT. Don’t you dare challenge Alpha and Omega. He will destroy those destroying the beautiful earth. Go away Reptilians you have no jurisdiction on this planet. Daniel 12:1. Michael will stand up. ☦️🌹🦅🦅

  5. American military ship and army and soldier are still way better then your that why country look too American for help no one is looking to russian for help maybe for tiolet tissue A$$ wipe ? your ruskies-russian soldier will never be at our level of game or style or swagger.

  6. LOL! ok, terminator… Your "naval exercises with the south africans, and Iranians are a joke. You will be smashed in a war against the USA, and you know it. I look forward to fighting you soon! Merry Christmas!

  7. I am very happy for Russia, China and the U.S.A., are stupid fools that waste billions, even trillions of dollars on CRAP AND NONSENSE!!! Glory to Russia! 🇺🇸

  8. Russia would prefer not to place so much reliance on military might. They are not an aggressive country. Neighboring countries join the Russian Federation of their own free will. They are under continuous threat from the Western powers (NATO).

  9. I’m from Russia and would never go back to live….Visit yes live No….Stay for a couple of months you’ll know why…..It’s relatively cheap so you feel wealthy but it’s pretty depressing

  10. All this old , good Soviet era tech, still working for mother Russia today. The Russian Fleet in reality can bearly protect own ports and naval bases , and this ONLY with help from Land Forces. But in the case of the naval blockade is simply powerless, like decades before. This nation, never love and feel the Sea, and in turn, the Sea never will accept and embrace them.

  11. I remember reading dsto documents about skynet, du ammunition, and anti missle decoy systems lol those fools in the Australian auxiliary forces of the crown leak like a ship that's been broadsided

  12. I want to move to Russia too long live the Red Army. Meanwhile I'll do my best to disrupt things here fuckn liberal government is swear their they are spawn of hell

  13. We sent heaps of documents to China Australia's true actual friends, operation foxfire is going better than expected in Australia operation Silent Storm is in effect as well. Things will be interesting in the next 4 months. The list has been completed targeting operation are going to be unleashed wish us luck. Thank you Russia

  14. The devil/barbaric/imperislist/dictator/communist NATO/US/Israel will be demolished on the new mordern armaments of mother land to protect the brave/brilliant/excellent people in the wolrd.Russia/China will be the peotector all countries being suppressed/bomb/massacred by the existing devils group

  15. Some of the comments from brain dead Us citizens. I've seen it ,done it, been there as part of Nato. The situation is quite simple. Russian technology has far superseded the Us and is by far superior. If it came too it The United states has 12 hours in which to surrender. You have nothing to deter the Russian Military system. Stop this anti Russian propia before you regret what you sow. I served 34yrs military (British). the Russians don't want Europe. They don't want to invade. They just want to trade peacefully with the rest of the world but the US democratic zionist system cant allow this. Live in peace and stop this bullying because the only person stopping your destruction is Putin.

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