
Film Theory: How Star Wars Theories KILLED Star Wars: The Last Jedi!

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi quickly became one of the most polarizing movies of 2017. Critics loved it, but audiences HATED it. It’s only natural to ask why this might be – who is to blame for this disparity? Well, Loyal Theorists, The Hollywood Reporter has an answer: They think it’s ALL MY FAULT! And while this does sound ridiculous, it turns out they’re right.


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The Film Theorists


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32 thoughts on “Film Theory: How Star Wars Theories KILLED Star Wars: The Last Jedi!
  1. Still hating this movie. For me the story was horrible and felt it was directed by the biggest troll ever. Also, critics didn't like TESB but back then, as a kid that loves science fiction, I freaking loved it.

  2. I think hayden did anakin perfectly. He was conflicted. Constantly. You almost MUST watch the clone wars series, and some extended universe comics to really get it. But u can see conflict in his face for every scene and its wonderfully done. Hes cinstantly argueing with himself.
    He clearly has borderline personality disorder

  3. The Last Jedi Was Almost A Star Wars Movie

    – We Almost got to see a Lightsaber Duel

    – Those jokes were Almost funny

    – There was Almost an exciting chase through space

    – Somebody Almost sensed a disturbance in the Force

    – We Almost got dialog that fit the Star Wars universe

    – That Almost looked and moved like Yoda

    – Rey Almost got Jedi training

    – Supreme Leader Snoke Almost foresaw that coming

    – Finn and Rose Almost found a guy to help them

    – Two people Almost said "May the Force be with you" to each other

    – Chewbacca Almost ate a porg

    – We Almost heard someone say "I have a bad feeling about this"

    – Poe Almost committed mutiny

    – We Almost found out that Rey's parents were important

    – Finn Almost made it to the battering ram laser

    – Those Almost weren't the Droids we were looking for

    – It was Almost the Star Wars Holiday Special

    – It was Almost a script Mark Hamill agreed with

    – Rian Johnson Almost deserves an Academy award

    – Let's hope JJ Abrams doesn't Almost make a Star Wars movie with the next one

    The 'Almost' Was Strong With This One.

    It's got nothing to do with film theories. It's got nothing to do with the actors that played the characters. It has everything to do with who wrote and directed it.

  4. Love how people still blame other people for a shitty movie no there feminism ruined it more for pushing a agenda and propaganda then putting the fans first

  5. I haven't seen any of your theories on SW yet. (Not because I don't want to, just haven't gotten around to it (im more of a game theory kind of guy)) And I still didn't like the last jedi…

  6. well i havent come to know anything about the star wars fil til now; my recipe:
    dont go on any scocial media platform, theyre a waste of time anyway
    dont be openly interested in starwars and the algorythm wont show you anything
    have fun 😀

  7. Blaming film theory channels for building up overly high expectations is basically just admitting that the writers of the new films were extremely uncreative, to the point that random people on the internet are doing a better job.

    EDIT: now seriously, i dont know anyone that liked the new star wars movies. Theyre just bad in every imaginable way. The Plot is flat, the Storytelling Sloppy and the atmosphere is non existent

  8. In response to the first effect I disliked TLJ the more I watched it as the poor plot holes, illogical events/decisions, etc became more obvious and the 'wow factor' of the cinematography was lessened

  9. …Haven't even watched beyond the intro, dude.

    The SJW political BS that Kathleen Kennedy shoved into TLJ ruined it. When you emphasize a message so much that you neglect the story, action, emotion and character development, hire nobodies to act characters you refuse to let have arcs and development, kill off the well-developed fan-favorites (Except for the princess in the biggest asspull in recent cinematic history) and spend copious amounts of screentime having your characters virtue signalling instead of getting shit done, nobody will like it.

    Critics are paid to watch movies. At the end of the day, sites like Rotten Tomatoes want you to go see movies so they can get kickbacks from the big companies running the studios. Critics also judge the movie on its' own "merits" typically, having little to no memory of established lore, canon and prior characters. In addition, with politically charged movies, critics sometimes feel pressured to validate people in the studio, for fear of backlash and accusations of "Sexism" or somesuch that could genuinely ruin their reputation and their livelihood.

    Fans, on the other hand, especially in a series like Star Wars, have seen the movies, the TV series, sometimes read the books. Fans are free to vocalize their displeasure and anger, because they- we are the customers. You want US to go see your movie. The reason why Solo bombed is because critics don't matter as much as word-of-mouth reviews. Hell, when one of the most respected actors in history is openly calling you out for ruining a character that he helped create, in a public interview, your response shouldn't be "Shut up, Mark, we don't want your negativity".

    The complete disrespect to the old characters, especially Luke, the complete Mary Sue protagonist, the unpalatable side characters (Ironically, except for the male characters). Fin's story would be interesting if you let him actually shine, and Poe Dameron is like Wedge Antilles and Han Solo rolled into one. The guy's competent, confident, and one of the biggest assets the rebellion has, and you have your SJW left wing "Empowered" purple haired wank show complete disrespect, get most of the rebellion killed, and then go out like a "hero", and try to shove Poe's obviously superior military knowledge and abilities off as 'disrespecting authority'.

    Rose is without a doubt the new series' Jar Jar Binks. Nobody likes her, nobody asked for her, she does everything in her power to fuck everything up, and then they expect us to like her? No.

  10. soooo, if you didn't watch any theories before the topic of discussion came out, didn't care about what everyone said about it (because Anakin's story will always be my favorite and I had ZERO interest in watching it), and almost never have any confidence in what I say and do like me and still hated it despite seeing it 10,000 times thanks to my brother…does that mean I'm immune to these principals? XD

    (And yes Ik that's not physically possible, I just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaallly hate this movie. Come at me)

    I also usually avoid people's opinions on movies because I want to judge it for myself, that bit is true

  11. I guess theres a point that the theories ruined it, but you know theres a problem when these theories were more exciting and satisfying than what actually happens.

  12. I don’t think you understand matpat theory’s aren’t meant to be canon like you said in the who is gaster theory because you made a theory on sans is ness it doesn’t mean you think it’s canon lore it’s just for fun and yet you say it’s the theory’s that ruin TLJ the movie was bad it’s like saying the only reason the prequels were bad was because of theory’s not because of plot holes and dialogue like i don’t like sand you probably didn’t like the movie either you just want to be on Disney’s side like always don’t you

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