Consciousness Videos

FLAT EARTH BRITISH, The Shifting Consciousness & The Manifestation Of Reality.

Martin Liedtke

The Shifting to a higher state of consciousness has happened, and is accelerating ,What does this mean for humanity ? With new FE eyes Flat Earther are seeing reality or rather the illusion of reality dissolve,They must be quaking in their boots.The hypnosis is lifting plane wide to the real truth that the Earth is a flat, and stationary plane ,This vlog will be packed with interesting and helpful decoding a many ,So i hope you enjoy my overly long video.So much more info to follow so make sure to sub to see the exciting new reality changing discoveries here on FEBs The best think tank on the internet fact! We are the masters of our own universe ,set your intent clear and never ever doubt ( that will dissolve it) imagine it as its already happened, and think no more of it go with the flow and life will be magical and richer experience ,you will see ,but don’t abuse it .This is the truth of our reality use it well ,With the power of love and us anything is possible .This time WE WIN! God bless to all here is the juice of the day.!:l26tzIcm/ lots of info for you to chew over and a cool pdf for my newer subs . Now please sub t all these cool arse channels FENDAP Wise Up FE Dude Capt Kirk & jaxdaydreamer VM Phillipp Druzhinin & don’t forget Rosette Delacroix show Saturday 6.30 pm GMT hope to see you there & maybe a potatoes have eyes look out for that ,feel free to sub to this channel and indeedif you can please support FEB temp to keep things happening .to get a unique FEB Pin my Ebay & my sons for stuff & to support me a cent will do & Patron of FEB for any advancement in FE also temp so thanks for all the support at this critical time ,the guys in Colarado i love you all thanks so much ,and lady P for 111 she loves me 😉 and Mary soz for the globehead prob we all get it , onelove peeps see you all soon God willing.


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23 thoughts on “FLAT EARTH BRITISH, The Shifting Consciousness & The Manifestation Of Reality.
  1. Not on point, but I couldn't remember where the video where you mentioned copyright being used to censor was.
    This MIGHT explain what gives them their perceived right to shut you down.
    I bet large that one of your subs can find a loophole.
    I'm wagering one (1) batch of cookies, or equal value donation that someone CAN find a way around this bullshit.
    Info from 1812 & prior, really should be public domain.
    Maybe siccing a squad of subs to check for public domain works?
    Not my field.

  2. Martin , I long believed there has always been,,,,till this day Mate.,,, that there is two different school systems,, that being, one for the elite,, and one for us worthless beings,, this is how they keep things all for themselves,,, and us in the dark,, been going on for centuries Martin,,, But, we are waking up bro ! We are seeing through the bullshit ! Getting smarter,,,, and they are losing their edge ! They got dumber,,, lazy, and cocky,,, they underestimated us bro !!! What you and others are doing is epic !!!! If we are doing anything at all,, we now know the enemy's!!! And their bullshit ways ,,, and can now fight back !!!! You can only fuck with the peeps so much,,, Yes Bro,,, we are in a time of BIG CHANGE of ,, a glorious time ! ?✌?⚘

  3. The didgeridoo (/ˌdɪdʒəriˈduː/; also known as a didjeridu) is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia potentially within the last 1,500 years and still in widespread use today both in Australia and around the world. It is sometimes described as a natural wooden trumpet or "drone pipe". Musicologists classify it as a brass aerophone.[1]

  4. You are brilliant, fearless, and epic Martin, as you often call others. My mind is so blown, and I'm so gobsmacked, that I've been up all night for almost a week, since I first found your channel. From you I linked to the other researchers making videos about similar subjects. This is the beginning of the end for the evil entity that destroyed our ancestors lives, and much of the incredible world they created. Although God's miraculous nature can't be equaled in awesomeness, they came close. Humanity needs to learn how to work together cooperatively with Love, and pray for God's help, because we are in the middle of a war, both physical and spiritual. I'm glad to see some of your videos are starting to go viral, and I'm going to help spread them. I don't make videos, or even have a website, but I like to share information that I consider important – a "farmer" planting thought-meme seeds. I also grow medicine for health – now it's totally legal here in Oregon. This is the best way I can help our cause – you people making these videos are my heroes………..!

    * People's Evolving Amazing Cooperative of Earth = PEACE *

  5. Hi Martin. Just be reviewing that cholera data. So except for a couple of isolated cases in Haiti and Papua new Guinea, all cholera except during the cholera pandemic occurs in the Indian Ocean ring. It is a called vibrio cholera, and it's vector is salty water, contaminated mollusks and fish and people. So to have a pandemic, the whole ocean area has to be contaminated and infected individuals(matter) has to be transported to everywhere within days. As there were no planes etc at that time, people carrying the disease would die before reaching the next border. So we are looking for rapid expansion of people and water. Mud flood would do it.

  6. Sorry to hear of your loss mate…I've lost two friends in as many months this year, but to lose someone that close to you that you held so dear, I'm giving you a virtual cutch. Cudos to you still putting yourself out there mate. GB ya!

  7. 1 and half hours of drivel. Who are THEY, that are quaking in their boots?
    This is just someone trawling through old pictures and putting his own interpretation on what they mean.

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