
Garry Kasparov: Chess, Deep Blue, AI, and Putin | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Podcast

Lex Fridman

Garry Kasparov is considered by many to be the greatest chess player of all time. From 1986 until his retirement in 2005, he dominated the chess world, ranking world number 1 for most of those 19 years. While he has many historic matches against human chess players, in the long arc of history he may be remembered for his match again a machine, IBM’s Deep Blue. His initial victories and eventual loss to Deep Blue captivated the imagination of the world of what role Artificial Intelligence systems may play in our civilization’s future. That excitement inspired an entire generation of AI researchers, including myself, to get into the field. Garry is also a pro-democracy political thinker and leader, a fearless human-rights activist, and author of several books including How Life Imitates Chess which is a book on strategy and decision-making, Winter Is Coming which is a book articulating his opposition to the Putin regime, and Deep Thinking which is a book the role of both artificial intelligence and human intelligence in defining our future. This conversation is part of the Artificial Intelligence podcast.

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Garry’s Twitter:
Garry’s Site:
Garry’s Books:
Deep Thinking:
Winter is Coming:
How Life Imitates Chess:

0:00 – Introduction
1:33 – Love of winning and hatred of losing
4:54 – Psychological elements
9:03 – Favorite games
16:48 – Magnus Carlsen
23:06 – IBM Deep Blue
37:39 – Morality
38:59 – Autonomous vehicles
42:03 – Fall of the Soviet Union
45:50 – Putin
52:25 – Life

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34 thoughts on “Garry Kasparov: Chess, Deep Blue, AI, and Putin | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Podcast
  1. i would have loved to hear his explanation how and to what degree russia interfered in the elections. Even if the quality of the conversations would have dropped briefly. Because just stating something and then saying, its stupid to even doubt it…. isnt a convincing argument. At least to me that causes even more doubts. If its so clear and obvious, why cant anyone explain it and instead just uses the "not blindly believing it is stupid" argument?

  2. Thank you for asking him those questions in the way you did. I hope it allows people to see the opinion of others they might look up to.

  3. LEX: thank you for asking that most stupid 2nd to last question for most of Americans, which was the highlight of this conversation! Good job !

  4. This guy Garry sounds like a power thirsty sociopath playing the part of a human rights activists like a Violin 🎻 or shall I say chess…lol wouldn’t trust him for a second. Great podcast tho! Loving the content.

  5. Absolutely staggering that people who don't like Trump just cannot seem to accept that he was voted in by a DEMOCRATIC process. To suggest that Trump became President because of Russian interference is denying the democratic process of the US election. I get very angry when I hear anti-Trump people saying this because if "shouty auld Hilary" had won they would have said it was a democratic vote i.e. it's only a democratic result when the result is the one they want. Same with Brexit. I voted for Scotland to be an independent nation but I accept the outcome of the 2014 referendum and would accept that for 20 years. Only arrogant people react to election outcomes like Kasparov because he didn't get the result he wanted. Good interview despite this arrogance.

  6. Biggest Bias that people have about machines :
    accepting themselves for having biasses but at the same time expecting machines to be bias free !!??

  7. Kasparov: e2e4
    Putin: Checkmate!
    "I can fight every opponent but not my biological clock". – Garry Kasparov
    OMG! Garry Kasparov on Lex Fridman, what an exciting episode we're witnessing!

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