Consciousness Videos

gen z goos tik toks to deliver gamestonks class consciousness

Wrath of the Island Bard

Join the Discord for Good ol’Gay Leftist Fun! (They’re putting a gun up to my head to say this)


oh heck oh fucc help me, I’m so poor.


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25 thoughts on “gen z goos tik toks to deliver gamestonks class consciousness
  1. Hello! I don’t really understand the concept of cultural appropriation yet and I’d really like to understand it better. I may get some hate for this but I do own white sage that bought and distributed through Native American’s (my friends don’t accept me for this) and they call it cultural appropriation, along with me owning a dream catcher. I am a very spiritual person. I would like to understand others thoughts on my sage and my dream catcher for it makes me uncomfortable to know that my friends are starting to resent me for having them in my possession. It would be great if you could help me!

  2. Wait! People really aren’t checked for bomb residue??!!!! Dude, what?!

    Cool, Now I can say to my black father that I suffered some racism 👍🏽 but it was my mom’s fault(black/Lebanese light skin here).

  3. Ugh I just got in a fight online and my heart is beating super fast. I don't like people who believe billionaires have a right to be billionaires.

  4. hey! day one of your local nonbinary poc saying that middle eastern/SWANA people (mostly lebanese ppl, arabs, palestinians, iranians, moroccans, syrians etc) and white-passing south asians ARENT WHITE. just because the government says they arent, doesnt mean its true!

    my explanation: we have white privilege but we still are targets of racism. i was when i was in 2nd grade and i still am now, especially b/c of the pewdiepie vs. tseries thing was happening. i got TOLD i was indian (im pakistani and arab), "exotic", someone even asked if he could "ride my magic carpet", and more. also why are middle eastern people white? i understand greek ppl and stuff but how are arabs white i——??

  5. Ah… the spirit animals one was something I didn’t know. Honestly that was a good kick to the teeth. Also that teacher, she deserves one too for entirely different reasons.

  6. Day 1 of your transmasc big brother telling you he loves and supports you! After youre done with today's classes we can stop by the store to grab some monsters, play video games for a while, then later tonight I'm sneaking you out to go skating with me. <3 You matter to me and you'll always be my sibling! Love you so so so much 😊

  7. I… I think Jesus may be from around Porto Rico….. because, like the person in 16:40 says, we, here in a place in India too call Jesus as “yiesu “, I don’t know how well that make sense, but I think it might mean something, tell me what you think about it!

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