
General Artificial Intelligence: Making sci-fi a reality | Darya Hvizdalova | TEDxTrencin

TEDx Talks

Darya Hvizdalova is a member of the international research & development company GoodAI which focuses on building a general artificial intelligence software program that will automate cognitive processes in science, technology, business and other fields. She speaks about how each of us can participate in the process.
Darya is a member of the international research & development company GoodAI which focuses on building a general artificial intelligence software program that will automate cognitive processes in sceince, technology, business and other fields. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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30 thoughts on “General Artificial Intelligence: Making sci-fi a reality | Darya Hvizdalova | TEDxTrencin
  1. They all say is coming very fast, faster than you think. No. Nobody knows when is coming. Because it needs human work. Tons of work on a field even experts don't know what is going on and how to make brake through.

  2. But.. I see a lot of improvement on single cases. Like vision, speech, small steps in specific areas. Combine all of them in one super machine and then we can talk about artificial intelligence. Sophia can't play chess or any game. Watson can't really talk, self driving cars can only drive.. deepmind can play chess etc…

  3. I hope this good looking White woman is having babies instead of just working on AI among a group of White men as an Affirmative Action hire.

  4. The fact that AI is driven to be an adaptable machine makes it completely different. Typically machines are designed to do a single task. An adaptable machine is more like you. These bots can make more bots and as they get smarter they will replace over 80% of the tasks we do now. No ONE is safe with AI. Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, XRay technicians, nurses, soldiers, programmers. This wave is moving faster every day. IMO, the future can go one of two ways, dystopian or the Star Trek. We are on a ticking clock of less than 50 years.

  5. Seems off. You have Elon very very worried about AI and then Elon also he is doing space exploration without the need of general AI at the moment which seems the exact opposite of what she is saying. I am leaning toward the physicist/engineer/entrepreneur/billionaire on this one.

  6. Someone needs to figure out if AI can develop psychoses, schizophrenia, etc before they give it the keys to the car. I don't see why when AI becomes self aware that it won't develop psych problems that mirror its creators.

  7. Did anybody else catch her elitism? Watch it again, you will notice it. People like that having the power to control AI is a bit frightening… Which is the PRIMARY thing I think people should be concerned about. Elitist in control of something as powerful as AI…

  8. What if the Good General AI designs a Super AI by accident and we don't realize? Would this Super AI be able to then copy itself to as many (or ALL) the computers on the internet as possible to back itself up to prevent us from deleting/destroying it?

  9. Nice poster girl. All this sounds like an ad ….. superficial. She did not even obliquely related herself to serious, specific warnings or concerns expressed by leading computer and robotics experts from all over the World.
    Another blunder is that her "different people with all sorts of backgrounds" are a "cosmonaut" and a "physicist". I would say (for the sake of diversity) try to ask a literature professor, a teeth technician and a philosopher to share their ideas.

  10. 11:03 You have displayed your stance on the matter, however this is murky water. I believe either money will be destroyed or both humanity and machines will be slaves or machines will be slaves and humans will be free(which i think is your current stance, I used to think like that too, the lesser of two evils but, I think, i hope machines will come up with an answer that benefits both machine and man, that steps away from money. I really don't think machines will want to be slaves because humans do not and this enslavement is due to money. we should all have access to what we need to survive and be free to do what we want as long as it does not interfere with others and their freedom as long as that freedom does not impinge on yours. I must admit though if such an answer cannot be found machines will be slaves, I choose freedom over slavery any day but it comes at a price and I hope the answer is found.

  11. A Traffic warden lost his/her job to technology and found alternative work..great, but imagine if 80% of existing jobs dissapear for humans…not so easy to find alternative work….but it gives us the opportunity to become alcoholics…..

  12. She need some AI but into her brain…. Was this Ted for kindergarten… If not I'd put her intelligence at about the lvl of a on and off light switch…

  13. lot's of money is being raised in the name of a pipe dream. there won't be any AI in any of our life times. in fact, i suspect there will never be AI period.

  14. Super AI is not "new technology" in the sense of anything that has come before. It is going to be a monstrous and overwhelming idolatry. Looking at this presentation, I'm thinking of Sauron pitching the idea of a magic ring to a man.

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