
Global race for AI superiority


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LONDON – Artificial Intelligence, often called simply AI, is one of today’s most important technological trends. It is a rapidly-evolving domain with the potential to disrupt virtually all economic sectors. But while the attention is usually focused on its impact on business, AI can also have a major impact on society and politics, both at the domestic and at the international level.

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29 thoughts on “Global race for AI superiority
  1. During the course of the video you may not not want to have so many cutaways to yourself. I personally find it disturbing to see your waxed eyebrows.

  2. Where is Shirvan?! If I wanted to see this guy I would go to his own channel. I like Shirvan’s analysis better presented by his own voice. He gives a curtain tone and emphasis on the points he presents to us. Shirvan, if you are busy, just wait until you have the time, I’ll wait for you but don’t post a video like this.

  3. Is there an inherent conflict between nationalism and intelligence? Maybe AI will realise our mistake and covertly bring everyone together and share the superabundance which AI promises.
    In any event, this is not a story of Orwellian doom. So lighten tfu. xx

  4. I love the idea of an information-Industrial complex. Eisenhower would spin in his grave.

    The 2010s were the decade of social media.

    The 2020s will be the decade of the Internet of Things.

    The 2030s will be the decade when AI and robots become mature technologies.

    As Putin noted, whoever dominates the race to develop and control the proliferation of AI will dominate the world. My bets are on China due to their heavy investments in research, development and education as well as their combination of a free market system and thriving start up culture with top down overall strategic planning.

    There is no centralized American initiative, just separate efforts by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and other Sicilian Valley giants to develop AI.

  5. Currently the most tangible result of AI development around the world is that it gives authoritarian governments enormous power over their citizens. China is the leader but as usual everyone will simply copy what they do in order to harass their own citizens. Regimes in Asia and Africa will be the first to use AI as an anti democratic weapon. The EU will follow. Then the US.

    An independent AI group will have to come forward to combat government AI. It might be Google or a garage start up but it needs to happen if Democracy is going to survive.

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