
GoodAI CEO Marek Rosa on the General AI Challenge

Singularity Weblog

Marek Rosa is the founder and CEO of Keen Software, an independent video game development studio. After the success of Keen Software game titles such as Space Engineers, Marek founded and personally funded GoodAI with a 10 million dollar personal investment thereby finally being able to pursue his lifelong dream of building General Artificial Intelligence. Most recently Marek launched the General AI Challenge with a fund of 5 million dollars to be given away in the next few years.

During our 80 min discussion with Marek Rosa we cover a wide variety of interesting topics such as: why curiosity is his driving force; his desire to understand the universe; Marek’s journey from game development into Artificial General Intelligence [AGI]; his goal to maximize humanity’s future options; the mission, people and strategy behind GoodAI; his definitions of intelligence and AI; teleology and the direction of the Universe; adaptation, intelligence, evolution and survivability; roadmaps, milestones and obstacles on the way to AGI; the hard problem of creating Good AI; the importance of theory of intelligence; the General AI Challenge…


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10 thoughts on “GoodAI CEO Marek Rosa on the General AI Challenge
  1. Would it be possible to interview Greg Egan? His bibliography explores on the singularity themes (Diaspora, Permutation City) in a way I find no other author does. He almost seems to be one step ahead. I bet he's got a very interesting view on it!

  2. the reason we haven't been able to reap the benefits of our technological advancements is because of capitalism we need to Institute and Universal basic income and begin the process of automating as fast as we can and then begin the process of ending royalty and copyrights until we get to the point where we can become a resource-based economy

  3. Finally, after so many days, I was waiting for new interview, a complete SONGULARITY GUY, we need more such guys in weblog, Thanks NIKOLA, it was awesome

  4. While it is true that intelligence can be beat in certain scenarios, it is the key to surpass unevolvable roadblocks in the design of an organism.    You see animals evolving to be faster, to fly higher, to see further, yet it is our machines that surpass them in most if not all categories, at the very thing they specialize.

    With advanced synthetic biology, we will be able to design organisms far beyond anything that has evolved.     Unless there is something like spontaneous wormholes into other universes actually being made by nature, or some other means of surviving the end of the universe, it is intelligence that can if there is a way find a way to survive the end.

    Out of all the solutions by evolution, there is only one that allows you to eventually intelligently design and modify the underlying genetic code arbitrarily allowing for access to all possible evolvable and unevolvable phenotypes .   Only technology, enabled by intelligence, allows you to sequence all organisms, take their benefits, combine them, and even transcend them.

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