Consciousness Videos

Graham Hancock – The War on Consciousness [HD] TEDx


Graham Hancock’s TEDx talk that was censored (3/14/13) by TED’s science board.


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26 thoughts on “Graham Hancock – The War on Consciousness [HD] TEDx
  1. Why did TED censor this? It's very sensible and intelligent, not a hippie fantasy! Every talk that constructively and lovingly questions society as a whole, its role towards mankind and nature, should be praised!

  2. i think his point is that no-one knows even, science cant explain consciousness yet everyone says his idea in uncredited, without offering any evidence the other way, so no decision can be made about how real it is (dispite science discrediting it with no evidence) , the main point he makes is we are not free to understand ourselfs how we see fit we are controlled even by what we can do in our own heads thus not being free. this is a good thing if you think otherwise your part of the problem.

  3. I read Supernatural and it made good sense. All backed up by facts. The subject is sensitive because we have been brainwashed by governments into denying our ancient sacred practices.

  4. I remember seeing this a while ago and though, what a bunch of none sense. I am happy to see TED removed this.

  5. Hi L kji, do you mean go back and time and see if my brain evolves after hallucinogens? Or getting addicted to coke and seeing if I can get cured? Or getting a degree neuroscience?

    I'm a little confused by your challenge l Kji. My challenge is anyone to back up any of the claims Hancock makes. Cheers

  6. My sentiments exactly. I'm not even thrilled with them vetting their speakers beforehand, but I suppose it ensures a certain level of clarity. But after? You can't be serious. 'We had no idea he was going to say things that made us uncomfortable'. Too bad. What, you gave him a script he refused to follow??? In that case, to hell with TED, give me source of real info and leave the placating boola boola in the dustbin. I didn't come for the kool aid.

  7. I haven't been able to find a single peer reviewed paper that backs up anything Hancock has to say. Anyone out there willing to give this man some legitimacy?

  8. Ted should not be able to ban any of their talks, it negates the whole reason for the existence of ted talks in the first place! we want to listen to alternative ideas, but anything too alternative may offend our sponsors! What are they on? FREEDOM OF SPEECH FOR ALL!!

  9. Everyone is entitled to their experience and their own opinion of that experience. We are all programed for consciousness. Evolution is in our DNA. How we get their is based on our beliefs and the way in which we experience our individual lives. After all the only reality is LOVE. We are all trying to get to that understanding whether we are aware of it or not. It is that inner yearning for connection with each other and the Universe.

  10. You don't need drugs to experience altered state's of consciousness ! Holotropic breathwork is very powerful and opens up all kinds of experiences

  11. Hang on a second. Graham says that in his experience with ayahuasca, the world spirit berated him into giving up a drug he had been using for over 20 years, and he did. How is that experience "very commonplace in addiction circles"? There wouldn't be any "addiction circles" if that happened all the time.

  12. Yep. Also, you aren't going to have a violent psychotic episode on salt or sugar. You can have mild psychosis on coffee, but you have to drink ridiculous amounts and most people get very uncomfortable anxiety before they hit that.

  13. 13:27 The problem here is that the so called "drugs" that you hate, this is all food. I can survive on a deserted island eating only sugar, salt and coffee, but I can't survive solely on lsd, marijuana and other psychedelic drugs. That's why sugar, salt and coffee, although not healthy are not illegal, while drugs are much harmful. They ruin lives.

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