Consciousness Videos

Gregg Braden – 2019 The Human Consciousness Shift

Vivre en Conscience

In this December 2018 Skype Interview Recording, Gregg Braden talks about the Human Shift.

The Human Shift is a journey from “Evolution by chance” to “Transformation by choice” – a shift that changes the way you think about yourself and your relationship to your body and our world.

When you learn to harmonize your heart with your brain, you can reduce stress, access advanced states of creativity, and actually insulate your body from the typical breakdowns from aging.

And when you change your perspective on what’s possible, you expand your vision of what you’re capable of achieving and becoming.

“The certainty of knowing who we are, and how we fit into the world, is the compass that can guide us as we make our choices one day at a time.” – Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden also introduces his new online workshop program regarding mystical powers that lie dormant within us, and how consciousness-shifting practices can contribute to a more peaceful, thriving, and radiantly healthy life for everyone in this life.


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44 thoughts on “Gregg Braden – 2019 The Human Consciousness Shift
  1. Yes Mr. Braden this wisdom and some new wisdom together will make us the 2020 All Seeing eye generation. The highest level of wisdom and consciousness ever known to the human race. Modern scientific consciousness is the new order of the. The here and now !!!

  2. IMHO humans have the subconscious programmed during the first 6 years with greed and selfishness which is a barrier for each individual to defeat by the power of their conscience but unfortunately, only those wise spirits (that are a minority) are prepared to change.

  3. It is interesting that you are a reborn Cherokee, I am a reborn Cherokee Medicine man was killed in Sedona Arizona in the Bointon Canyon. I can relate to that time, I visited that place in Arizona, and all the old memory came back to me. I agree with you whole heatedly! This will make a lot of difference to people to change the way of thinking!! I also studied Milarepa, because I lived many lives in Tibet.

  4. and yes, I happen to have spent the last 38 years on a mountain where I still am, cooking my meals with wood. Has it made me smarter? – It has made me humbler, rid me of many of my vanities, taught me how to pray out of utter forsaken loneliness, – forced me to keep up a conversation with "the Other", the Real God-ness, – so all this i say, can help a person to become more aware and deeply getting to know oneself, to become resiiant and reliant and eternally creative… Love you, Gregg, "good stuff",.. wish i could contribute somehow to your insights!

  5. this is good, and good to know; however, to rely on this "self-regulation", i believe, we may also have to be able to believe in a God, or in God, and maybe even in a God the "Other", who always has the last word, as in the prayer " Thy will may be done!". if He is an all loving God, it will depend ultimately on Him, to guide us through those further and huge evolutionary stages, of which myself, at 71, am intimately aware of and enjoying it!

  6. The election of Donald Trump was a terrific thing. Best president in my almost 64-yr-old lifetime. I suspect those who see it as something bad have been brainwashed by truly evil and negative forces and /or are elites who are protected from the realities of life. Your eyes are not just still closed but encrusted.

  7. If one doubts the benefits of heart,mind coherence,one is wasting precious life,as one doesn't begin living until this is achieved…ask me about my story if you aren't living yet..The more paths we see,the more choices we have… Let's all meet back at the place we never left but only refused to embrace… ❤️✌️ 💡

  8. Cute…. no real science to back it up though. Human emotions or magnetic fields modifying our DNA? Maybe study physics before you postulate, would save you a lot of waisted time.

  9. Speaking of the heart mind, what happens with a heart transplant? Does the recipient also get the heart brain from the donor or is it separate and they maintain their own?

  10. Always check with the experts in the field and do not be misled by Greg Braden's assumption of having brain cells in the heart. There is no grey matter in the heart just neurons used for transmitting the electrical activities in the functioning heart. When you take something in which you are not an expert and twist it to give it a meaning for your personal agenda is just pseudoscience at best. Sorry please check it our yourselves. Don't be fool by these new age teachers who borrow bit and pieces from others to expand on their theories.

  11. Not new. Only new to those who have never heard this.. Excuse me Gregg there are quite a few people (westerners) who have been doing this for a long time already.

  12. Guru Braden, I enjoyed your scientific excursion on Divine Matrix. Your documentary was full of scientific supporting evidence. However, the evidences were blacked out. I know the reason, possibility because of hackers or hijackers…your interweaving of the buried history of the past with current scientific observations …the web, now the filaments, the neuron axon networks of the universe, the holographic universe, quantum hologram, reincarnation….now the Human consciousness shift…really great research. Anonymous

  13. I was born in 93 with my third eye open and only now in 2018/2019 have I been able to deprogram myself and decondishon myself from all programming and now I feel limitless in my abilities. I have true third eye… Not drug endorsed

  14. Open your eyes guys. This new movement about ascending and evolving as a society, is getting us accustomed to the idea of THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Listen to his message, he speaks about one religion, one united ideas, moving forward as one. Be careful.

  15. Living in present moment is the best way to raise your consciousness. Present moment is the only thing we really have. Always. And we are consciousness – behind our thoughts. Without us – consciousness, our thoughta couldn't even exist. Which mean that thoughts are not real. You can be sad or depressed when fully present. It's the greatest gift from God. We, as humanity, did so many great and marvelous things, we can even split an atom but we overlooked this simple fact. We can only live now. Right now. And when we start to do that everything begins to be joyful and life becomes blessing. Check out my channel for more 🙂

  16. The most important and yet the missing part of all these bombardings with different data, which most of them are true and some other are actual facts.
    but what I'm wondering and is my great concern is:
    where is he going to with these talks?!!
    there are 2 spread parts in most of these talks ( general pieces of information and actually a lot of them – and secondly, results or the part that GAIA is trying to take us there with them!)
    and the second part is my big concern.!!
    I believe there are much more things behind the curtain and I don't know how many of you guys have heard or know that there is a serious belief and action around "Luciferian prophesy" which never comes forward with honestly and never tells what you must do or not to do, but they always guiding you "subconsciously" to what they want and according to all Ibrahimic Holy books, and many other references like that mysterious monument in U.S.A with writings on it about keeping worlds population under 500 million and…. that is:
    we are reaching to the point of big changes in the world and according to "EARTHLY"!! data and "MOTHER EARTH"!! guidings!, we should do things which "accidentally"! they are quite same with Luciferian prophesy!!
    I believe many of those (again MANY!) information! Gaia is giving us are true, but the most important question we should ask of our selves is:
    because as much as I'm listening to these speeches, there's less finding out about their purpose!!
    I personally believe a true and honest guide, who is really working for good and as a servant of creator and GOD would never go for collecting money and making fortune out of his guidance or her guidance and that's a great measuring ruler for dividing write and wrong guys.

    what do you think?

  17. Great video!! found you through suggested videos. I just started a Youtube Channel not long ago and very interested in the human evolution and spirituality topic. Keep following your passion and creating great content. Sending you good vibes and lots of love 💖

  18. Mr. Braden, your profound knowledge in the new science is a game changer that should be able to transform humanity provided that power plays, money influence, resisting egos, and induced habits would not become barriers due to the political game of interests.. I definitely respect your wisdom..Anonymous

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