
Harry Blazer on Artificial Intelligence

The Solari Report

In his discussion with Hugo de Garis on Artificial Intelligence, Harry Blazer gave an impassioned description of our mysterious governance system on planet earth, the dangers that AI is belng used to implement central control and the risks this poses to life.


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18 thoughts on “Harry Blazer on Artificial Intelligence
  1. I realize some people (usually women) laugh to release tension, but when you laugh, you reduce your topic to a potential, or likely, unimportant joke or conspiracy theory. Literally, a laughable subject.

  2. Laughter is medicine. I've been researching for years now, hoping to get a grip on what's going on all around me. Its a freakin' horror show where we stand now. I am to the point if I don't laugh about it at times, I might loose it.  Do not allow a persons laughers to release the anxiety and stress of a topic lead you away from the pertinent information being delivered. The man's laugher only makes me know HE GETS IT and its now part of him-as it is now a part of me.

  3. Sadly, the Oligarchy our Representative Republic has Devolved into will not give up their power and wealth so easily, they will embrace more Authoritarian measures to keep it until, like in France, the Majority revolt, and with Revolution will come solutions like:

    Real Term Limits for House and Senate, like one or two years and that is it. out of 300 million there is no need for endless terms for one individual, this creates a Corrupt Career Politician.

    Abolish Executive and Legislative appointments of Judges and give Judges Term Limits as well as have them voted in, if not by the people, then by licenced lawyers.

    Abolish Campaign Donations this Corrupts Politicians by the Donor Class through Campaign Donations, instead create a Federal Fund which all Campaigners have equal access too.

    Abolish Government Right to Prosecute with out a real victim.

    Abolish Federal Borrowing, they print the money according to GDP, they can print 15% above GDP to fund the Government this gives them initiative and motive to keep the GDP high with less regulations and taxes.

    Abolish Federal Slavery made legal in the 16th amendment, Abolish Direct taxation of Income.

    Initiate a Debt to Equity Swap on Current Debt with a coupon that can only be used in the US market. The largest holders of Federal Debt are US Tax payers and retiree's, defaulting would harm the old and impoverish them.

    Open Source AI is AWESOME. We need Open Source AI doctors, OSAI Judges, OSAI Lawyers, OSAI Politicians, OSAI Bankers, OSAI CEO or Presidents.

  4. Parents, be proactive and protect your children. At least have parameters with phones, games and computers. It is not going away. We must Consciously remain Conscious while dealing with AI. Look Away from your device. Look Up, Look at the humans around you with out judging. BE HUMAN IT IS WHAT YOU ARE. Find your spiritual self. We are special……………………

  5. now some states think it is just fine to murder babies while they are being delivered. We are living in some evil times and are going to have to deal with it soon Think if Hillary were president. We would no longer be America but a socialist nation ruled by demonic forces.

  6. Dear Mr. Blazer. Obviously, hopefully, your voice has been distorted and all I can say is that you talk about the "state of illusions" and I can tell you that there are millions with an active and precisise bullshit meter who say, "No."

  7. Thankx! Solari Rocks. IT IS ALL ABOUT FOOD CHAIN. Intuition suggestes, whenever any defined culture, civilization, society gets to a point in annual time (history) where more than 50% of the defined population lives in cities and relies on consuming, AKA, a consumption economy, the Control Systems fail and the Empire collapses. The only way to extend the rule of these Empires, is massive and rapid depopulation of the Urban Consumers. Food production economies just keep on going, people survive, and usually get along with each other. Peoples typically described as tribals, indigenous, and aboriginals are the examples of Food production Economies, with a barter component. In Western civilization they are called independent Family Farms, initially 40 acres or less, near small towns and Villages. People that depend on food from the efforts of others to survive, (Consumers), are "DOMESTICUS URBANIS." These people depend on decisions by people they do not know. By definition, any people that can not survive from their own decisions and the subsequent production of goods and services, have inferior capabilities. Classically defined, they are Dependent Collectivists, not Individuals. Currently, in 2019, we can now recognize a situation, new to this Epoch. They are called Millinials and Gen Z, by financial guru creatures, the money changers who are the human Sea Lampries. The TEK matrix is the common interface for these young people, not Mother Nature. They are "DOMESTICUS URBANIS ROBOTUS" (DUR) and those who decide, are celebrating their new Unter Species. Interface with the AC/Matrix, at your own peril. Disconnect from your ability to live as a part of Mother Nature and you will become Robotus. To be intuned with the internal "Self" the emotions, instinct, intuition, and the 32+ sensory pathways humans can use requires massive amounts of time disconnected from their Matrix. Specifically movie screens and blue-light backlit screens that are both wired and, the worst, wireless devices, is how they currently rule, the future. We as people are self-hypnotized by these "screen" devices. The Universe is DC electromagnetic current. The Matrix is AC current. Untill this massive, beyond discription, problem with the currents is addressed DOMESTICUS URBANIS ROBOTUS, will be the future. Homo Sapian-sapians can not maintain long-term survival with AC current. No less than 90% of all chronic illness is caused by AC current and the lack of direct unobstructed connection with the Full-spectrum Sunlight, which is DC EMF Current, it's that simple. Live with the Circadian rythmn.The DUR future is what the Rulers need to enter the next Epoch . The DUR are a new classsification of worker bees, Gender "X." The children currently in the Grade Schools are the transition generation and they will program their children for the new Epoch. All Epoch's end and life goes on, the so-called Ruling elite survive to rebuild. They no longer need nor want humans with Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence, they are the Primary threat to Divide and Rule. Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence will again be sequestered, obscured, into the forbidden Oculare, Occult Knowledge, reserved only for the Rulers. Anyone that can figure out "What's up" will be sequestered and used or murdered. Some tribals will survive, very few, these homo Sapian-sapians will be the pets of the new servant class DUR and given as rewards for achievements. The follow up project will be transforming the DUR into the Star Trek, "binars." We humans of today will never be permitted to live in Space as described in 1960s Star Trek and Star Wars, sorry children, hopefully you did not fall for that fantasy! Respectfully, Tom.

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