Boston Dynamics

HD Atlas Manipulates | Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics

From stools to tools, this montage is just scratching the surface of how Atlas is getting better at manipulating it’s world. We’re excited to show everyone the progress we’ve made, and look forward to continue to share the journey ahead with our next generation Atlas humanoid robot.

Read more about the future of Atlas:


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46 thoughts on “HD Atlas Manipulates | Boston Dynamics
  1. That was before his retirement.
    He probably spend his time dancing and going for long walks in the wilderness with Spot now.

  2. May God save me and Raytheon b ack that up. Does space in between there's a movie that should mean something I don't know I'm just a moron. Hey how's the algorithm doing with this bullshit😂❤ don't say killing it

  3. Shit dude, imagine youre a poor WW3 insurgent fighter and this thing fucking kills then then fortnite dances over your dead body while blasting "proud to be an american" from the onboard speaker.

  4. Last scene’ve been like the Atlas is an employee thinking: “Why am I doing this pointless tasks? Oh, right! They pay me with oil and electricity. Ok then.” Even robots not safe in modern day economy 💀

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