Consciousness Videos

How Anaesthesia Works? | Let's Learn Science | Science for Grade 6 to 10


When under anesthesia, you can’t move, form memories, or — hopefully — feel pain. And while it might just seem like you are asleep for that time, you actually aren’t. What’s going on? Steven Zheng explains what we know about the science behind anesthesia.
Stages of General Anesthesia | தமிழில் | #5 Pharmacology Lesson

About This Video:
We are going to see about different stages of general anesthesia

It covers Stage of analgesia, stage of delirium, stage of surgical anesthesia, and stage of medullary paralysis

It also includes the different characteristics of each stages like when will the respiratory depression occurs, when will the pupil dilates, when will the pain sensation is lost, when will the consciousness lost.

Learn everything about Stages of General Anesthesia in less than 3 minutes.

About This Channel:
This channel is for sharing education contents of the following
1. English Lessons
2. Pharmacology Lessons


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