Consciousness Videos

How Could ESP Work? | Episode 1508 | Closer To Truth

Closer To Truth

If ESP were real, would it transcend space and time? How could our minds know stuff, and do stuff, not only beyond our senses, but also beyond the laws of physics? What are possible mechanisms? Featuring interviews with Brian Josephson, Lawrence M. Krauss, Michael Shermer, Charles T. Tart, and Dean Radin.

Season 15, Episode 8 – #CloserToTruth

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47 thoughts on “How Could ESP Work? | Episode 1508 | Closer To Truth
  1. Shermer: "If paranormal phenomena would be found experimentally, they would become normal…" Does he really say that as an argument against what we call paranormal?. Just asking:)

  2. Placebo.
    There is another way we can know ESP without there being a model explaining it, statistical occurrence divorced of a narrative.

  3. The question asked in this video is only interesting if ESP actually does work, so either there is good evidence for that somewhere or I shouldn't even start watching this. They should have a citation to some persuasive evidence first thing in the video description and they don't. Why would anyone want to watch this?

  4. There is a new video released on 'Seth speaks: the inner senses.', which touches on this subject, which is interesting. I shared it on my Facebook page. Wanted to share yours to counterbalance it, but see that is not possible unless as other kind of link, which people never use. Brian Scott's YouTube channel.

  5. The "how" is a bit of a stretch, given the non-existent evidence for ESP. Makes more sense to secure the effect first in an irrefutable way before going into explanation of a dubious claim…

  6. ESP could transcend space and time if space and time were an illusion constructed by the senses. To get ESP then, you'd have to figure out a way to dissolve the shackles of perception. The perception is what ironically blinds us.

  7. to acquire super-powers reduce Planetary-Axial-Tilts to digital roots thus :
    Mercury = 0 (degrees) = 0, Venus = 177.36 = 24 (2+4) = 6, Earth = 23.4 = 9 Mars = 25.19 = 17 (1+7) = 8 Jupiter = 3.13 = 7, Saturn = 26.73 = 18 (1+8) = 9 Uranus = 97.77 = 30 = 3 Neptune = 28.32 = 15 (1+5) = 6 Pluto = 119.61 = 18 (1+8) = 9 source :×576.jpg
    Earth 9 (3rd planet from the Sun) 3 ……… E Saturn 9 (6th planet from the Sun) 6 ……… S Pluto 9 (9th planet from the Sun) 9 ……… P = E.S.P
    (ok some people might argue that Pluto isn't considered a Planet anymore but that is to miss the point – symbolically Pluto / Plato's Cave ) 999 = planetary emergency?

  8. Interesting and worthwhile video. There could be a mechanism other than something with an inverse square law. If there is an effect, it is most likely very weak and subtle.

  9. Please get rid of these annoying ads. You are in the middle of deep wisdom of the speakers and we are rudely awaken to a “Grammarly” ad. Not cool.

  10. And what can Lawrence tell us about dark energy and dark matter the 95% of our universe….wait not a great deal. When we figure out the 95% a little better we may be able to understand certain aspects of our universe better. Am not saying ESP is real or not. Am saying don’t try and use current science to explain phenomena which might need a few hundred years of technology to understand. A bit like Newton telling Max Planck that everything he theorizes is crap …if Plank was alive in Newton’s day. Us scientists must keep open minds and not disregard based on today’s science and technology…or science never advances.

  11. The very real difficulty with using portmanteau words or abbreviations such as ESP is that no one has any very clear idea exactly what is in the portmanteau, and the same applies to words like universe and law. Unfortunately human beings have a habit of using words without having the faintest idea what they mean by them was certainly no very clear or exact idea of what they mean by them.

    Hence the saying: "sloppy language leads to sloppy thinking"

  12. "ESP were real, would it transcend space and time? How could our minds know stuff, and do stuff, not only beyond our senses, but also beyond the laws of physics? "Inevitably begs the question what whoever used the words means by "real" and further begs the question real to whom?

  13. Pre-internet I’ve seen/been to three distinct buildings in vivid dreams in places I’d yet to visit (and couldn’t place its locale at that time). To my astonishment two manifested when I was traveling in later years. As for the third…. I’m still waiting; I’ll know it when I’m there. Somewhere in a tropical climate that restaurant exists. So strange is the minds’ untapped potential.

  14. Non localization or generalization is dual to localization.
    Noumenal (rational, analytic) is dual to phenomenal (empirical, synthetic) — Kant.
    Thesis is dual to anti-thesis — the time independent Hegelian dialectic.
    Universal is dual to contingent, probable, ESP would require duality to be conserved!

  15. There are facts that can't be measured or ever accessed in any way by physical procedure. Qualia being the most striking example. The experience of "red" is transcendental to any physical structure/decomposition. So we have established that there exists indeed information that is indescribable by physics. It is thinkable that there exist further such phenomenona (perhaps of the same ontological substance as qualia). Qualia et al. are hampered by being purely private phenomena, but non-private such effects are thinkable.

    I think things like telekinesis would require far more assumptions (good old dualist interaction problem), but telepathy wouldn't require new assumptions since we are dealing with the same substance on all interacting ends, or to put it in pop terms, "planes of existence". We just have to show that there exist non-private manifestations that are able to enter a causal exchange.

  16. Robert Lawrence Kuhn really tarnishes the intellectual value and integrity of Closer to Truth by giving people like Dean Radin a platform. Why don't you have a flat earth debate next?

  17. Cloud busting is real. Anyone can do it on command. It ends the debate in one 2 minute experiment. Long or short form documentaries would no longer be needed and we could move on to the next step. But I don’t think they want to. The inquiry sells. And they like it like that. But I think they know 😉

  18. 11:00 – First time I've heard someone give a good closure argument on why it can't be the fields we're familiar with. That pretty much kicks this over to Donald Hoffman and people thinking along his lines.

  19. The transmission of information through reincarnation is also outside space and time. Reincarnation may be closely related to ESP.

  20. It appears too ambitious to seek how ESP works with our primitive understanding of reality. It seems more fruitful to establish the conditions under which ESP will occur and let anyone interested to experience it and to decide whether to believe it as a first step to unlock the mystery.

  21. CLOSER. ..TO TRUTH has anyone watched the new thinking allowed channel? Geoffrey mishlove? AND THANKYOU….FOR WATCHING ( looks directly at camera)

  22. Note the difference between the skeptics like Shermer etc. They are SO emphatic in their denial almost to the point of anger. Meanwhile the proponents are often calm and level headed when talking about it.

  23. Star by studying the causes of autism or people with any kind of "brain abnormality". That´s a good start, they have "Super Powers" still unexplained

  24. I take ESP to be extrasensory perception and the such a rather vague and woolly term, because it begs the question perception of what?

    Men (human beings perceive all sorts of things to any one of a number of senses which are not restricted necessarily to smell tastes like hearing and touch.

    For example people or human beings or men can quite quickly and easily sense when they are being observed although they have no way of telling who is doing the observing, whether or not that counts as ESP, I don't know – I suppose it to be a matter of opinion

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