
How does stress change the meaning of a sentence?

English Lessons with Adam – Learn English with Adam [engVid] You’ve probably watched movies and wondered why you were missing some of the jokes, or couldn’t follow the conversation even though you heard and understood the words clearly. In this lesson, you’ll find out that a big part of communication is not just language, but how we speak. After you’ve watched the lesson, test your understanding by taking the free quiz at .


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26 thoughts on “How does stress change the meaning of a sentence?
  1. You're welcome . I'm your new student. I'm come from indonesia. Really i want to be able speak fluenty like you .nice tips. nice video. I'll take tips from your video. And i'll see tips from all your videos. from your first upload. Very helpful for me.. thank you once again☺☺☺

  2. Hi, Adam! Very nice and interesting lesson! It's really nice to see the importance and the effects of intonation in a situation of communication! Thanks! This lesson helped me a lot to pay attention in this challenging aspect of learn a language! See ya!

  3. Hello Adam… Short, but excelent class. Next time, I will pay atention where I put the accent or stress on words. In my country, we are expert playing with intonations…

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