
The A.I. That Builds Fake People || Stories From The Bunker #19

Alltime Conspiracies

Alex, Martin and Robin discuss the Canadian cryptocurrency scandal and the website that makes fake people.

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50 thoughts on “The A.I. That Builds Fake People || Stories From The Bunker #19
  1. Really surprised you guys have not covered the mysterious black eyed children yet. Surprised and disappointed. It would be nice to see a Conspiracy Files episode on the phenomenon

  2. He could have made a will because he was travelling and actually had something to leave. I don’t think India is completely backward, we have heaps of Indian doctors in my country some of them must be getting trained in India.

  3. I think it would be funny if Robin wore a fake beard one day, to kind of blend in with the other guys.  : D   then they could call the podcast "the bearded bunkies".    ; D

  4. Just in…
    search of cryptocurrency cold wallets find six of them empty. “The monitor’s [Ernst and Young Court appointed accountants] third report indicated six so-called cold wallets used to store digital assets offline have been found, but all of them are empty.

    The report said there have been no deposits since April in five of those wallets – besides one recent inadvertent transfer – while a sixth wallet appears to have been used more recently, the report said. “

  5. The QuadrigaCX reads like fraud.
    However, another reason to explain QuadrigaCX,  (may be) is how would the company quickly convert bitcoin to physical currency, given the run on the client's accounts.

  6. Canada holding a japan bisness girl, they warn about they'd do take action to get her released, Mr.Bitcoinman owning that canada company, oh, minister of defense, desapeared..

  7. I normally love your videos due to the amount of research put in each stories. However I am disappointed with your coverage on the Quatrigacx case. We know he went to India to open an orphanage, even though a controversy exists here too, we also know that a Canadian bank froze 25 millions a few months before his supposed death. Also we know a death certificate from India was given to the Canadian authorities as the only proof of death and that a journalist has previously proven it's easy to buy a death certificate in India. I also wish you had researched his NEW wife for they were married in October 2018 or 2 months before he died. So he gets married in October, draws his will in November and dies in December…. that's weird and we haven't yet added the money aspect of the weirdness….. Also, I'd like to know if you are aware that here in Canada an "heir" is also responsible for the recently deceased debts….I wish you would revisit this part of your video.

  8. if he lost 400M from a cartel he would have been kild by them and they probly steal the rest he would have , sorry for my english

  9. Yay Robin and his beautiful voice are back. All three of you are totally fab though. I find listening to these podcasts and your banter so relaxing, so thank you so much guys. Keep up the good work xxx

  10. I actually have Crohn’s disease and I’ve had it for 20+ years and it is very unlikely that he would have any complications that would result in death. I noted for that to happen there’s a change of vents it would have to happen that would he would’ve caught it in time before his demise so I find it very unlikely that he died from Crohn’s disease complications , doesn’t matter what country he was in , With his money there’s no way that that should have happened , so there’s my two cents guys , great show

  11. Catching up on all the podcasts at the moment and have always loved you guys and the community. Wondering if you guys or anyone else have theories stick with them altering their perceptions of things around them and do theories give you anxiety? I have talked to people and they say that is a big reason they dont listen to them

  12. I understand the low level crime statistics if you consider possible underage drinkers or the philosophical stoners that are often newly finding conspiracies

  13. there's another Canadian conspiracy of the wealthy elder couple who were found dead in their Toronto mansion under super weird circumstances. They were big in the pharmaceutical industry & (of course) had ties to Hillary Clinton!

  14. Not to be crass, but this guy is porbably getting toppy somewhere in Thailand right about now.
    Edit-Having already had another man's face surgically replaced with his…

  15. Mini Conspiracy-The flash frame that occurs a fraction of a second @ 9:40 is actually a subliminal message about cheese cakes and not just a stream error.

  16. You guys are really an anomaly on youtube in a big way right now; i hope you guys continue to provide informative, yet calm and pleasant content.

    One recommendation: Put the camera height down just a bit.

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