Consciousness Videos

How Mindfulness Creates Understanding (The Buddhist TV)

Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu

Talk broadcast on The Buddhist ( ) television channel in Sri Lanka on how mindfulness eradicates our misunderstandings about reality.

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34 thoughts on “How Mindfulness Creates Understanding (The Buddhist TV)
  1. I’m fairly new to meditation and to not using judgment when meditating. But can say it’s true, when letting go of judgment sensations, emotions and thoughts aren’t unpleasant, they are just there being experienced in the moment, at one with them, almost dare I say at peace with any experience in the now. Our mind does like to distort our experience, it’s our true enemy if we aren’t mindful. Just my 2 cents, if what I’ve written isn’t accurate or you could expound on it please feel free to do so.

  2. Did Buda deny God or he just didn't talk about it. Who is Buda ,God or person. Who monitor karma. Who send your soul to better place or lower place in the world. Who created this universe.?

  3. If Enlightenment cannot be explained, but only understood through experience. How can you claim the hallucinations some people have are not a gateway toward enlightenment? Nobody knows for sure what the Buddha meant when he said he was Enlightened, so, before we know he could have entered a deep hallucinogenic state. I would argue, it is also possible that that is what may caused him to go back and see his past lives. My skeptic mind, says he could have easily deluded himself with an hallucinogenic state of past lives. Nobody understand neuroscience and psychology as we do know back then, so it is highly possible he could have convinced himself he was able to see his past lives and was actually experiencing an hallucinogenic state of mind.

  4. The message I hear is to see reality for what it is and judge less. But suppose someone lunges at you with a knife isn't the human faculty of judging essential in this moment?

  5. But if you 're labelling the inhalation as rising you are judging that experience as 'rising'. If you are labelling walking as 'walking' you are judging it as walking. Surely the way is not to interpret any experience to see it for what it really is

  6. Two statements from the Sirimangalo International of which Yuttadhammo is president. " We are not in the position to accept those on psychoactive drugs . This policy is applicable to all" This was in response to me wanting to do residential meditation. Second: " It is not possible to face your mental issues and avoid them at the same time. The very concept of medication for mental illness is contrary to insight medication." Black and white statement with no gray area.
    A psychoactive drug includes nicotine, caffine, alcohol, marijuana, lsd, mushrooms, as well as antidepressants, anti psychotics, and pain medication. So if they do not accept people on psychoactive drugs then they exclude many people. Denying access to the handicapped is against the law.

  7. I listen to several of Yuttadhamos videos over and over and he is my favorite teacher. But in one area he unwise and ignorant. In one video he says when a person starts taking psych meds it affectively ends their spirtual life. So he has never taken these meds and is telling others the effects of them. It is the same as a non cancer survivor telling you how chemotherapy drugs are going to affect you. His staff also reflects this ignorance and has a policy of refusing anyone on psychoactive meds for their residential meditation retreats ( I have an email stating this policy). They are vastly ignorant in this area. They also do not know that according to the disability act the only time a person has to disclose their disability is when they will require accomidation. They ask for this information on their website not knowing that a person has a legal right to not disclose this. By refusing anyone on psych meds they are discriminating against the disabled which is against the law. . I am surprised that a buddhist orgainization would be so ignorant and predjudicial. To me they are ripe for a lawsuit and need some education before this happens. I have several emails from the institute he is president of that prove discrimination of the disabled. Once I was refused a service dog for an apartment and they clearly stated they dont take those animals. In Yuttadhamo's staff, their email that they don't take people on psych meds is the same type of proof. The complex that refused my service animal was sued and their whole staff had to attend/ pay for classes for three years. The mental health commission of Canada has a mandate to to do the research and come up with a program to help educate people about mental health illnesses. You guys are in sore need of education in this area. The staff does not know me has never met me but has judged I would not benifit from an intensive meditation program due to being on psych meds. Wow the ignorance!

  8. Buddhism is not a religion. Anyone can benefit from the Buddhism. Anyone can Christian Buddhist, Catholic Buddhist, Muslim Buddhist, Hindu Buddhist or even Jewish Buddhist. Buddhism really understands ourselves. Buddhism has no human master. Buddha's teachings("Dhamma") are the master. Even Buddha himself has considered the Dhamma as the master/teacher. Because Dhamma shows the logic and tools of analysis which we will need to understand ourselves.

  9. Don't focus on the negative or the positive. Makes sense, but when your in pain, often before you can go on you need an aspirin. Then you work on whatever is causing the pain so that the pain reliever is no longer needed. As Jesus said, Phil 4:8: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things" In Christianity this technique is the aspirin. Later, through a variety of Christian methods that seem to be overlooked, when you understand that you are in the world and not of the world, then you have the detachment that Buddhism advocates.

  10. I would add one thing to this when one realizes happiness, pain or any other sensation, instead of just focusing on the sensation, one can focus on the experience of happiness, pain or joy. How does it manifest in the body? How does the breath get affected by it? Do you breath faster when you are happy? Do your eyes jump from one image to the other when in pain? What does the body do when a feeling arises? This is the complete experience of mind-body.

  11. Why there is a feeling that by doing this simple meditation we are missing on something more important,it is so hard for me to transform that ..?

  12. people don.t understand its not repressing feeling its seeing and letting them pass through you rather than holding on to them; some times it hurts we afraid of our emotion, we try to push them away or run from them by being busy, that's not good better to except them they will become less painful and flow as they should you will learn the message there telling you this leads to a calm and peaceful mind

  13. Being a buddhist does not automatically give you wisdom. He's just another "guru" who decided to cop out from real life.

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