Consciousness Videos

How Mindfulness Helps Stress – 4 Ways to Do It

Dr. Tracey Marks

How mindfulness helps stress and 4 ways to practice it. I discuss how mindfulness helps the brain and how to practice mindfulness meditation in everyday life. What is mindfulness meditation?

Mindfulness is simply paying attention to your environment, activities, and thoughts in a neutral and non-judgmental way. So you’re limiting your thoughts to your present situation. if other thoughts intrude on the process, you bring your attention back to the present.

Practicing mindfulness helps declutter your mind. When your mind gets cluttered, you feel stressed. This can come in the form of feeling tense, tired, overwhelmed, and irritable.

Not only does an overloaded mind affect you negatively, but it can also affect your relationships with the people most important to you. If your mind is overloaded, you can become emotionally unavailable or not fully engaged with people around you.
How do you remedy this problem when you have a busy life that you can’t change? You live each moment mindfully.
Here are four steps to start practicing mindfulness

1. Be aware. This means to be aware of everything in your environment, as well as everything you’re doing and thinking. Keep your focus on the present moment.

2. Don’t multi-task. Do one task at a time. You’ll actually be more efficient if you complete one thing at a time anyway.

3. Be intentional with mundane tasks. Be focused on the task rather than getting the task over with. So If you’re washing dishes, focus on washing each dish, and keep repeating until all the dishes are washed. If you wash the dishes while thinking about how much you hate washing the dishes, You still get the dishes washed, but if you do it mindfully, you finish with less negativity.

4. Listen when others are talking. Don’t think about your to do list or what you’re going to say next . Listen to every word the person says as if you need to repeat it back to them.

I challenge you to Spend 10 minutes each day in mindful activity. You may want to make it toward the end of the day when your mind is most full. See if it helps you unwind and relax.

I upload every Wednesday at 9am, and sometimes have extra videos in between. Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss a video


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36 thoughts on “How Mindfulness Helps Stress – 4 Ways to Do It
  1. Thank you for sharing this mindfulness information with us. I am subscribing today. I would like to watch this video every week until I get very good of remembering to be mindful.

  2. Dr Tracey, l really appreciate your lectures on mental health issues. Can do one about the classifications of drugs ie Antipsychotics Vs Antidepressants. Much appreciated 😊

  3. My question is that how can I practice it till it becomes a second nature? Is that even even possible? If so is there any tips anyone can provide so achieve that ?

  4. Good description of MIND-FULL MEDITATION. Have read about this before —- it is BUDDHIST WAY OF MEDITATION. Makes sense. Just concentrate on the PRESENT- just observe the present , do not keep on thinking about past and other unpleasant things!! That is what MINDFULL MEDITATION is. Well described in BUDDHIST literature!! Have read this all before!!!

  5. Four years ago, this wonderful woman uploaded this video for people just like me and possibly you to grow and learn from. Thank you. It really did help especially the dishes part.

  6. I love your no nonsense approach to everything. I am a Veteran getting help through the VA with some mental conditions and part of my treatment is learning about mindfulness. This content was very helpful. Thank you Dr. Marks.

  7. This is way harder and more uncomfortable than I ever thought it would be. Practicing getting familiar with the discomfort because it means growth is the same feeling I had when I started learning a new language for the first time. I have so much growth to do in my mindful living journey, but I know it can only go up from here.
    edit: the reason it is uncomfortable is because my entire life, all I have ever known was a racing mind and tense anxiety. Today was my first day of actually implementing mindfulness after wanting to do it for so long. I'm doing it purposefully as a way to combat excess anxiety from my antidepressant medication, which i need to function and giving up isn't an option.

  8. Sleep is definitely essential to achieving any mental or physical activities. When I was younger I'd go 3-4 days without sleep just to see if I could & how it would affect my focus & abilities in every day Life. No sleep left me irritated & on edge with a significant lack of focus in simple things. But if you're strong willed & disciplined enough you can definitely push through these side effects.

  9. I recently came across your videos, and I am so glad that I did. You care and make good videos without indulging in excessive emotion. I appreciate that you give concrete examples of what you mean and will definitely use these tips. I need the practice.

  10. Thanks for this Dr. Marks- I am just beginning this mindfulness journey due to a difficult job change. The last point, listening to every word said, is particularly useful in my case since I have ADHD and it can be difficult for me not to interrupt in case I lose my train of thought. Anyway, it’s a day at a time thing right now until i get better at mindfulness. Thank you!

  11. So this is why I play video games – easy to be in the moment. I had no idea I was practicing a life skill.
    The driving example is a great one too. To add to it, turn off the radio, roll down the windows, and just listen. Even if you're stuck in traffic. Really puts you in the moment.

  12. 🙏 Thanks you Dr. Tracey Marks, for the reminder of "Mindfulness and Stress," which we all should be doing. At one time in the past I used to practice it, and then I stopped. Your positive input information on the subject, gives me hope to get back on the band wagon of practicing Mindfulness more often and using your helpful youtube videos. God Bless…

  13. Dr. Clarks, your video on mindfulness is interesting. Yet I can't apply it each time I worry about things specially when I have bipolar disorder and mild OCD though I take All my medicines.Why ??

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