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How Neurononsense Keeps Women in Their Place – with Gina Rippon

The Royal Institution

Have new brain imaging techniques really revealed that women and men are ‘hardwired’ for their gender roles? Or has neuroscience become misappropriated to justify gender gaps? Professor of cognitive neuroimaging Gina Rippon investigates.
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There is a long history of debate about biological sex differences and their part in determining gender roles, with the ‘biology is destiny’ mantra being used to legitimise imbalances in these roles. The tradition is continuing, with new brain imaging techniques being hailed as sources of evidence of the ‘essential’ differences between men and women, and the concept of ‘hardwiring’ sneaking into popular parlance as a brain-based explanation for all kinds of gender gaps.

But the field is littered with many problems. Some are the product of ill-informed popular science writing (neurotrash) based on the misunderstanding or misrepresentation of what brain imaging can tell us. Some, unfortunately involve poor science, with scientists using outdated and disproved stereotypes to design and interpret their research (neurosexism). These problems obscure or ignore the ‘neuronews’, the breakthroughs in our understanding of how plastic and permeable our brains are, and how the concept of ‘hard-wiring’ should be condemned to the dustbin of neurohistory.

This talk aims to offer ways of rooting out the neurotrash, stamping out the neurosexism and making way for neuronews.
Gina Rippon is Professor of Cognitive Neuroimaging at Aston University. Her research involves the application of brain imaging techniques, particularly electroencephalography, (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG), to studies of normal and abnormal cognitive processes.

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23 thoughts on “How Neurononsense Keeps Women in Their Place – with Gina Rippon
  1. As Steven Pinker once said, Even IF there are anatomical and neurological differences between male and female brains, that’s no excuse for discrimination against women

  2. every other youtube video streams fine
    why does this video seem laggy
    the electrons going across the wires beneath the surface seem to be moving so slow

  3. Ideology over science–perhaps her female brain is just hard wired that way. Why is it that 80% of the time you can distinguish a female brain from male by looking at it? Gina Rippon will go down in the annals of history as a buffoon

  4. Rippon's assertion that people don't infer from the male heart or kidney being bigger that it meaningfully different from female, then why should people think that just because the male brain is bigger that its different.. well, a bigger heart pumps more blood and in fewer beats, and a bigger kidney processes more toxins per unit of time, and therefore a bigger brain has to be different than a smaller one.. you can't just "correct for size".

  5. I'm proud of how woke some people are in the comment section, and I find it funny how the numbskulls are confused as to why the former mentioned people are downvoting the video.

  6. Oh look at that, 328 sexists downvoted because they feel irrationally threatened by an intelligent woman. And LOL before you get too irrationally angry at me overgeneralizing you for down voting and want to rage in defense of your non-existent PhD in six different fields you acquired through a rudimentary google search, hmm prejudice sucks doesn't it?

    Damn fine lecture by the way! Congrats!

  7. Very interesting. I agree, there isn't a level playing field, I know that in my own family that there wasn't a level playing field for my brother and I. We're both grown men now, and the differences we were taught are still playing out in our lives. When putting a puzzle together, one looks for similarities between pieces in order to find those that go together.

  8. Many good points but it would be remarkable indeed if a lengthy history of sexual selection did not result in some sizable differences between males and females in brain structure and function.

  9. What a wonderful talk. A priceless reminder that science writers may overlook the fact that our science-based medical technologies are not as nuanced and precise as we may wish them to be. The dead fish brain story (@ t=1473) perfectly captures that.

    It may be that the business models, the ones that news agencies use as a means to maximize profit by rewarding journalists who possess exceptional skills at creating clickbaity titles and content, are a part of the problem. It takes so much work to undo the nonsense that even our most trusted news resources are often professing as being true. If only the time and energy spent on undoing nonsense was spent on helping to enlighten and to empower our species.

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