Consciousness Videos

How the Enigma of Consciousness Explains LIFE & DEATH

Felix Rex

✅ Part I – Consciousness: The Reality DREAM
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42 thoughts on “How the Enigma of Consciousness Explains LIFE & DEATH
  1. I was diagnosed with cancer since then I've been living in fear and depressed. This video is the first thing in months that make me smile.

  2. I love listening to the intelligence on this channel… The narrator is not a Christian he talks about things that are answered in the Bible… I suggest he listen to people like Chuck Missler, Steve Quayle and Tom Horn oh and Michael Heiser as well to get the Bible‘s point of you on what’s in fact consciousness is and what reality is.

  3. Conciousness ends for most every night. Conciousness existing and existing forever when we know it stops is a super big stretch.

  4. This life is a test with very restricted physics and abilities. Get your karma score up each day, get environmental, implement mother earth discipline along with your creator perspective

  5. Felix your content is usually excellent. This is horse shit. Perhaps I’m not smart enough to value your points here but, I find them nonsensical. Extrapolating the immortality of consciousness by simply thinking about the chances things happening? You sound like a new age idiot. Return to your old content or try to think of something more substantial and honest.

  6. You're an idiot… anything "divided by zero" equals "error".

    Zero is like the capital letter at the start of an equation. We count like this -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 etc. Only an addition or subtraction sign can follow after a multiple, divide.

    There is no such thing as +0 or -0, so zero can not follow after a divide sign.

    2/2=1 is more accurately and more correctly represented is 0+2/+2=0+1.

    No sign is allowed before a "Capital Zero" because that's what the zero represents, even so far as 2+0= error. Theres no such thing as "+0".

    The End.

  7. Have to consider the idea that perhaps their are different levels of counciousness. That's not to say that this waking material version is the only state. The truth is none of us have a clue but honestly that would be the worst trick of nature to endow the truth only to send us off into oblivion afterwards.

  8. wow! sound track used in Bladerunner death scene with Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer-the finest and deepest scene in all cinematic history. as someone who's been subject to several life experiences in general anesthesia , I personally attest to the non existential state wherein one's consciousness ceases . i could have been out for years -from fading out after the injection to awakening . i couldn't have been less aware of anything if I had been dead . so in the case of a brain dead patient, for example, what more can be experienced?

  9. My dear wife died 6 months ago, and I've wanted to take comfort in the thought that she might live on somehow. Seeing this video has given me a new perspective and hope. Thank you.

  10. Fascinating. I can't help but wonder; does my dog has consciousness? If so, is this part of his DNA evolution or came from God? Far more important question is:
    Could I please have some of those mushrooms you are eating? Still trying to figure out what consciousness is. So far all I could figure is that is a extension of our perceptions of reality. This is why the propaganda is so effective in redistribution of wealth. It alters perception of reality on which we make our decisions. I was hoping to hear about the viru$$$$$, the real deadly one. The other one comes via 24/7 media bulhorn so I'm up to date on it.

  11. Anyone who has had a NDE or has been brought back from the dead will probably concur when I say that time has no meaning in that place beyond this realm .
    There's no past,no present and no future in that place if you want to call it a place . From what I understood it's the source of all life within our realm of what we call existence and a place of pure energy and consciousness .
    It took me several years to wrap my head around the experience of dying and I had a hard time explaining it to my friends and family .I learned to keep my mouth shut after awhile because people fear death and fear what they don't understand .
    Nobody really believed me until I started naming names of individuals who I met on the other side .These were people or spirits I had no idea of and had never heard their names . I was only three years old at the time when I died but I remembered their names and told my mom about it .When I told her about a friend of hers who was there ,she turned pale as a ghost because she never discussed that person in front of me and hadn't talked about her in years .I told her she said hello to her and that she was doing well and not to worry or feel sad .
    I was able to describe what this person looked like exactly which is what really freaked her out .
    It wasn't just one but several individuals I met while I was there .
    So naturally I've had a keen interest in the afterlife because of what happened to me.
    I've been in houses that have had spirits AKA ghosts and other bizarre things that I've dealt with like telepathy and telekinetic abilities that I can't explain nor can I control at will .
    It took a long time for people in my family to truly believe my experience with exception of my mom .She advised me to keep it to myself and not try to share it with others because she feared I'd be hurt and she was right .
    As I said it took many years to convince certain people like my brother who was very critical and a doubting Thomas but after he had a out of body experience he was more receptive to what I was talking about .We discussed it in great detail and even promised each other to let the other know if there's life after death by doing something that only we would understand .
    He passed away in 2009 due to a combination of his neck surgery counteracting medications and his extreme sleep apnea .
    On the day he passed my cell phone was getting calls from his phone .We were also getting calls on the new number we just got and the caller ID was showing his cellphone number . I also started receiving calls that were meant for his phone but were coming to mine . It got to the point where I was in contact with the AT&T engineering department about this trying to get answers for how it was happening but they were baffled . However the engineer I spoke with told me that he had seen it before several times but had no "rational" explanation for it .
    It's been 11 years since he passed away and yet his phone is still ringing but not like it did before. Now it rings on Sundays only for some reason .I left it unplugged from the charger for a month and it still had a charge .This phone battery should have been dead a long time ago and yet it's still working .
    My mom also said she would find a way to let me know if she was free of her body and she definitely did .As soon as she passed there were knocking sounds coming from all over the house .It was impossible to pinpoint the source of the sounds .Also we had numerous things happen with our electronic devices . I was able to capture spikes of EMF readings and changes in the magnetic field that other people were able to see for themselves .
    I have no doubts at all that there's an afterlife and that our spirits are a form of energy because I've been able to detect it and show it to others .
    I've thought about putting some of the videos I have showing some of the evidence on my YouTube channel such as a remote control toy car being manipulated going back and forth and even when I've asked for it to move, but I just don't feel like dealing with all the critics , their closed minded attitudes , their insults and all the ridicule that goes along with .
    It's said that seeing is believing but it's something that you would have to see in person to fully understand it let alone believe it and I get it.
    I tend to be skeptical myself because there's a lot of people who love to fool people and play games in order to make a quick buck .
    I've convinced those who know me and those who have seen it with their own eyes and that's good enough for me .
    I seem to be a magnet for bizarre things to happen and for a long time I didn't understand why but in retrospect I think it's because of my brush with death .
    After researching what other people have been through after their own NDE I discovered that I wasn't alone in how my life had changed or my experiences with odd things happening in my life . A good majority of the people who had an experience like this came back different than before and no longer afraid of things and especially death .
    The biggest lesson I took away from my own experience was to be kind to each other, not give in to fear or hatred and that we're all here for a lesson – whatever that lesson might be .✌️🙏

  12. Wow I came to this exact conclusion myself a few years back. Kinda cool to see someone else put my thoughts into a video. Thanks man!

  13. Hi,
    I like consuming your non-politically correct thoughts and views and this video was certainly interesting.
    However, the way you presented this thought experiment, as I percieved it, to be logically fullfilling in on itself did not equate for me and I begun wondering if you believe this world view outright without any further supporting logical conclusions.
    As the mathematical likelyhood of our individual existense practically equals zero is then used to mathematically prove, or at least heavily suggest, that our consciousness then also is infinitely unlikely within the chance of our existense.
    This semms to me as a logical leap and I did not notice you explaining it any further, even though it is a vital factor for your hypotheses.
    Sorry for my english, I tried to present my take as clearly as I could and I hope you understood me.
    Looking forward for your next video❕

  14. "given that physical reality is subjective to consciousness" WHOA, hold on a minute. Pump the brakes. That is not only unproven and possibly unprovable, but we have plenty of evidence that perception isn't perfect, but reality may be the same for everyone.

  15. Time is so immense that the life of the universe may be only one second or a pico second on its scale. Eternity will be dark, cold and quite. Good night 😊

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