Consciousness Videos

How To Become Conscious of the Language That We Use | Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden Official

The words we speak and think are fuelled by emotion to collapse energy from the quantum field of potentials into the particles of our everyday lives.
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39 thoughts on “How To Become Conscious of the Language That We Use | Gregg Braden
  1. Oh my God, I really greatfull for the opportunity to watch and have this information. I would like to send this video to everyone that I know, but unfortunately I know that they won't be watching, maybe cause they are not prepared.

  2. Thank you so much Gregg! You're a wonderful illuminated Soul! Especially in this moment that we're obliged to stay at home we have great opportunities to reflect, to practice a daily meditation because is so important to reconnect our Heart to our Brain in order to be in balance and allow ourself to create more Love, more Joy, more Health ….and from Louise Hay affirmation: "Everything is working out for my heights Good, out of this situation only Good will come" 🙏🙏🙏🙏Bless you.

  3. Gregg, I agreed that you brought to the world a new language about physics, quantum field, conscious, matrix … but those terms of knowledge and wisdom they already existed thousands of years ago. Spiritualism and science have been together since ancient ages (Buddhism, Hinduism, Jesus, Vedas, Messiah, Darwin, Descartes, Einstein, etc.), the holy spirit connecting to the Divine without any doubt. For sure there is another dimension that goes beyond our senses! All the "books" talked about the same, we are all interconnected sharing the same purpose on the planet, love (universal language). Thus, I believe that we, humans beings aren't alone on the planet. Very soon, all humans will be surprised by a magnitude event that will reveal and shake us in a way that will change how we think and do things. I love your books and talks, I hope one day I can watch "Tres amigos." Namaste.

  4. Gregg: I love your mastery of words. I think I've never heard anyone speak as perfectly. You amaze me. Your in another league. Your mastery of science and your passion for enlightening others also amazes me. Thank you!

  5. Buenos dias,alguien seria tan amable de subtitular en español estos últimos videos de Gregg? Es importante para nosotros poder estar al tanto de lo que está transmitiendo. Muchísimas gracias!

  6. i do sound healing with tuning forks. The way I do this. I connect with my heart and than the other person heart. I am telepathic that I can read what the heart is telling me. My heart becomes one with the other person heart. Than I use different frequencies combination and I tune the person. It works. I have alot of good results, and the latest is that I worked on someone who was on dialysis three time a week. I first started with her she went down to twice a week a now she is completely of dialysis and a very happy lady. So it does confirm what you are saying about the heart.

  7. I am in the Matrix with de persons who thinking thế same with mẹ and too the same behavior and more. Thanks for this video! Love and light you and all your team! Is the time to the change. If you remember I said from 2015 in the 2020 is the time for this change and the paradigme of God will be an other for all to the world. I SAID THẬT TO THE NEAL DONALD WALSH, BRUCE LIPTON, LOUISE HAY AND TO THEALL PEOPLE OF MINDVALEY. I HAVE MANY DREAMS ÎN THIS DIRECTION. AM NOT AFRAID FOR NOTHING. AM MY REAL SUPPORT FROM OUR CREATOR.

  8. Such powerful information to hear and feel. I am especially intrigued by the heart evidence found in that journal of medicine. I am going to research that. Dr. Joe has also talked about that and the importance of heart-brain coherence. It would seem that we as humans do not need to look 'out there' for solutions to our problems and to express our love and compassion, it all comes 'within'. So simple and has been told to us before countless times, but now makes more sense to me. Thank you!

  9. Listening to Gregg Braden has changed the way I think about things.I always try to purposely create my life especially after learning about the law of attraction many years ago. But this way of thinking is more effective because it impacts our life by looking at things through a different scope. I'm so glad that I have subscribe to Gaia. And I'm so happy that he uploaded his videos on here. Especially after seeing this episode I am more careful about how I speak things into the field. Now when I speak things into existence I am more conscious and careful. I'm so grateful for this information.

  10. I love how he breaks things down. I am a Christian and I think he speaks scientific agreement with biblical teaching. It has changed the way I relate to what I read in the Bible. The Bible says "that in all thy getting, get thee understanding." Having been an R.N. for 45 years, I have a decent understanding of anatomy and physiology. I have wondered about these kinds of things since I was little. He makes perfectly good sense to me.

  11. Naad aadhinam jagat sarvam shiv shakti aadhinam naad sarvam when we say things from your heart then SHIVSHAKTI are in balance and harmony thereby creating a reality

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