
How to Learn Faster with the Feynman Technique (Example Included)

Thomas Frank

If you want to cut your study time, using the Feynman Technique is a great way to do it. Named after the physicist Richard Feynman, it revolves around explaining a concept in simple language as if you were teaching it to someone else.

In this video, I’ll show you exactly how to use the Feynman Technique.

Want examples? You can find them here:

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~ created by Thomas Frank

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43 thoughts on “How to Learn Faster with the Feynman Technique (Example Included)
  1. You've made 5:47 minute video and spent the better half of it on background info and referencing other videos. Even though the video was informative, you need to improve upon your technique. I don't usually add comments to criticize people in this way, but you seem like somebody who knows what he's doing and you have a very appealing voice, thus people enjoy listening to you. So, please receive this as constructive criticism rather than a rant of any sort.

  2. This just sounds like everybody's study technique I've seen. Dont see how it can be called a technique when it's just literally what most people use

  3. I remember my mom when I was little she used to ask me did you do your homework? what did you read? I didn't go to school here I don't know, explain it to me. she would pretend that she doesn't know anything so I have the motivation to do my homework to explain her and teach her stuff. Of course, she did it on purpose. she was the one teaching me.

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