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How to Master Your Dark Side | Robert Greene on Impact Theory

Tom Bilyeu

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Robert Greene has written five international bestsellers: The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law and Mastery; which is on Tom’s very short list of books you must read. With his most recent book, The Laws of Human Nature, Greene explores the deeper aspects of our behaviors and how to decode them.


Why Robert Greene has a negative bias about human nature [3:00]

The primitive forces that are driving us and why we’re all comparing each other to each other [6:07]

Why Robert Greene writes from a place of anger and what he’s trying to solve with Human Nature [7:49]

Why we can’t break the patterns of our nature (and what to do about it) [10:18]

Why Robert Greene is a believer in baby steps and he thinks you should always examine yourself [13:10]

The truth about becoming more self aware [15:54]

Milton Erickson and the origin of hypnotherapy and NLP [19:22]

How you’re constantly emitting subconscious signals about your true intentions [24:00]

The story about Robert Green’s stroke and confronting death [24:30]

How to reset the mind when you’re facing formidable obstacles [28:17]

The Chekhov story [30:07]

Why you should love life and accept that things are what they are [34:15]

Robert Greene’s 50 cent story [36:49]

Why Robert Greene says you don’t want to face death and look back on your life to think that you’ve done nothing worthwhile [40:08]

What Robert Greene wants to happen when you read his book, “The Laws of Human Nature” and why you need to stop taking things so personally [43:23]


50 Cent [36:49]
Anton Chekhov [30:07]
Friedrich Nietzsche [34:15]
Milton Erickson [19:22]

The 48 Laws of Power [1:14]
The 50th Law [36:44]
Laws of Human Nature [2:56]


“I think we consider ourselves human, obviously we’re human beings, but I don’t buy that definition. I think that we’re actually animals, that we have an animal nature and we have to become human. And we become human by overcoming some of these deep-rooted animal forces within us.”

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33 thoughts on “How to Master Your Dark Side | Robert Greene on Impact Theory
  1. We’ve known about the laws of human nature for millennia ?!
    What is the big discovery here ? Give me the answers to overcome.
    Those are worth something. These primitive forces are part of
    our humanity.

  2. Summary of this interview according to my understanding has given below 🚩🚩
    1) Emotion is contagious.
    2) Focus on human nature to understand life.
    3) Know who you are.
    4) Ask yourself why do u have any feeling or idea?
    5) Stop thinking that everything you know is right, and ask yourself to think from different perspective.
    6) Admit you've problem at first. Now you've motivated to learn, and find out the solution.
    7) Read, and observe the non verbal behaviour(gesture, excitement, movement, nervousness) of people.
    8) Accept things how they are, and stop judging.
    9) Overcome your nature.
    10) Get rid of your negative emotion about people. You maybe influenced by other people to think like that.
    11) Accept and love people for who they are.
    12) Your attitude will mean what you get in life.
    13) Accept your fate, and accept the things(your parents, birth place, rich or poor) which you can not control.
    14) Embrace the reality. Think your accident as an adventure, and try to learn new things to cope with it.
    15) Dare and prepare to face death which is the ultimate fear of human.
    THANK YOU for reading. Please SUBSCRIBE my channel if you like my comment. ❤❤🌼🍦🍦

  3. I had a bad, bad period where everything overwhelmed me and emotionally I handled it badly. Resentment and vengeance characterized my attituded best. When I finally stopped the dangerous, worthless thinking, I also let go of the hatred and desire for destruction of my perceived enemies. I prayed for their wellbeing instead, and I can't stop smiling and reveling over the sense of spiritual alleviation 💗

  4. The abject swimming postsurgically arrest because napkin postprandially long save a handsome visitor. tiresome, omniscient spark

  5. I just wanted to make a quick remark regarding death and how he said that we don’t accept death, unfortunately I think that’s more prevalent in western societies. I mean, look at funeral traditions in the US for example. It’s about trying to preserve the body as if it were to live forever. In Eastern cultures for instance, death is regularly discussed and not something to be hidden especially from children. Funeral traditions include just wrapping the body in a simple white cloth and letting it be one with the earth.

    Once I saw a documentary regarding this and this professor in economics made a comment that really stuck with me regarding this topic exactly. He said that the reason this fear of death exists within western societies is due to the economic model they follow: capitalism. Capitalism as a theoretical model pushes the people/business/etc to live on forever. As good as capitalism is, it does have its flaws as well.

    Just some thought I wanted to share with like minded individuals 🙂

  6. Robert Greene is the father I never had. I learned so much from this wonderful man. I agree and knew what he was saying is true but I need to be reminded every now and then. I have to buy his books.

  7. I had a deep insight after a long intense period of zen meditation many years ago that impressed itself into the rest of my life, and that seems so close to what Greene is talking about here. I saw in an instant that all our lives are an endless circular smokescreen of mental habit. But it's just that! A smokescreen. It's the wisp of a shadow within the totality of All, of Eternity, of incredible Love and Intelligence. I was just blown away. I have been constantly asking myself since then "Who am I?".

  8. Greene is one the first guy that positively influenced and implicitly pushed me to go deeper into discovering myself.. never regret listening to him.

  9. I love that Part from Mastery :
    “In dealing with fools you must adopt the following philosophy: they are simply a part of life, like rocks or furniture. All of us have foolish sides, moments in which we lose our heads and think more of our ego or short-term goals. It is human nature. Seeing this foolishness within you, you can then accept it in others. This will allow you to smile at their antics, to tolerate their presence as you would a silly child, and to avoid the madness of trying to change them. It is all part of the human comedy, and it is nothing to get upset about or lose sleep over”

  10. Tom, I watch your impact videos when I am exercising for an hour and I have learnt a lot from your guests. So thank you!! 👍😃

  11. Well some would argue that we are now at our worst…and no not all people want attention maybe just a fair start without our parents hating abusing and selling us for profit…..but maybe that is why we end up wanting attention because we became psychopaths'…

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