
How To Sell Reality Using Semiotics A Discussion With Rachel Lawes

Kevin Gray

“How To Sell Reality Using Semiotics” – A Discussion With Rachel Lawes

Many of us have heard of semiotics but don’t really understand what it is or what it can do for marketers. Our guest on this podcast, Rachel Lawes, is a well-known semiotician and one of the pioneers of semiotics in marketing research in the UK.

Rachel convenes the MRS Advanced Qualitative Methods course and has taught the semiotics and discourse analysis components. She also has taught at Regent’s University in London and worked with postgraduate design and marketing students at Brunel, Leeds and Regent’s universities. We are very pleased to have Rachel as our guest!

MR Realities is series of podcasts where Dave McCaughan and I discuss a wide range of topics important to marketing researchers with special guests. We ask our guests questions you would want to ask, not just what we’re interested in. And we let them speak for themselves – no censorship. These podcasts are audio only and perfect for commutes or when you’re tired of reading or staring at a computer screen.

Here is Rachel’s LinkedIn profile:

These are the links to recent MR Realities podcasts: .