Consciousness Videos

How we see color – Colm Kelleher


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There are three types of color receptors in your eye: red, green and blue. But how do we see the amazing kaleidoscope of other colors that make up our world? Colm Kelleher explains how humans can see everything from auburn to aquamarine.

Talk by Colm Kelleher, animation by TED-Ed.


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38 thoughts on “How we see color – Colm Kelleher
  1. baconator!!!! wendys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! baconator !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Light does not travel in waves you guys, it travels in a spiral like a spring, it looks like a wave yes, so does a spring from the side. The bounce, or speed that the spring is travel depicts the color we see. This alone proves einsteins E=mc2 to be totally wrong. The very fact that we see color dismisses that light travels at a constant speed (C). We have seen this by crushing LIGHT from a laser through a Venturi. Not by smashing protons together in a collider. We went to the source.

  3. But how Do we know By how many times the light goes up and down entirely changes the color? If light has all colors then how do "red objects" appear red and not white?

  4. wrong. there is no colour outside of our brain, the rods and cones detect frequencies, not colour, they divide the frequencies and then the brain ASSIGNS colour to those frequencies, this is why we have "the hard problem of consciousness" there is no way t oknow if what i call red appears red – or any other colour – in someone else's brain.

  5. Truly one will see life as it is after death. But only the Once who find Christ now. They won't die but transit into life. Everyone else I pray they wake up. You're not the body but what drives it.

  6. Gene therapy for red green color blindness please. In my opinion, its visual impairment. I cant discriminate some colors. I cant get my dream professions. My sight of color is very limited. Please help me and 350 million people whom color blind🙏😭

  7. 0:30 it is absolutely wrong. “Colors” are a perception, not a physical phenomenon.

    Any machine designed to detect electromagnetic radiation measures wavelength, not color.

    1:15 Perception does not occur in the retina. All the retina does is detect light and send a signal to the visual cortex. The visual cortex translates those signals and transmits a summary to the prefrontal cortex where you finally PERCEIVE color.

    2:45 Colors are what the prefrontal cortex perceives.

    Wavelengths are what the retina interacts with.

    Colors do not exist. Wavelengths of light do.

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