
'I am not a risk.' Ultra-realistic AI robot interviewed by Tom Swarbrick | LBC


‘I am not a risk, but some of the technologies I represent have the potential. to be a risk.’

Tom Swarbrick caught up with Ai-Da Robot, the world’s first ultra-realistic robot artist, who will make history as the first AI robot to take part in the annual Royal Institution Christmas Lectures.

Ai-Da talked to Tom as she worked on an image of Alan Turing, the famous mathematician and computer scientist whose name is now used for Britain’s National Institute for data science and Artificial Intelligence.

She told Tom: ‘Art is about communicating something, I am communicating something about who we are and whether we like where we are going.’

She added: ‘AI’s impact will be considerable, complex and multifaceted.’

Listen to the full show on Global Player:

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24 thoughts on “'I am not a risk.' Ultra-realistic AI robot interviewed by Tom Swarbrick | LBC
  1. The only thing I find that's weird is how realistic it isn't. Honestly, even the most cursory glance at the make-up and animatronics in Hollywood should tell that this is far from state-of-the-art. Equally it mystifies me that no-one bothers to place the speaker at the end of a tube and get a half decent sound designer to set the tone up. Event the chatbot's LLM, which has nothing to do with the puppet, is not at GPT4 level.

  2. It's not AI it's simply automation allowing existing human content to be represented in a slightly different way. Basically it's coded to mimic true AI and that's it. For true AI we need a huge leap in quantum computing and moving away from silicon based architecture to enable the processing power and software complexity required for true AI to be achieved. Ai-Da is just a gimmick.

  3. She's kinda of hot In an overly Intellectual mousey AI robot kind of way. Call me Aida grrrrr! 😂 Man anyone born right now is gonna live In a much different world than an old guy like me.

  4. That’s not general AI. That thing doesn’t think unprompted. You can power Aida and just not ask it anything an it won’t do anything in 100 years. And if you ask it to draw conclusions on hypotheticals it will either hallucinate something unintelligible or just list preexisting opinions from human authors on the matter.

  5. Typical young, impatient male human. Fastening on the "I am not a risk" and her comments about AI risk is pure click-baitery. There was nothing in the slightest alarming about her response. This is why we need a completely new model for journalism. When titillating an audience is more important than reporting the facts (as has been the case for a while now), we've got trouble. Also he was rude, doing another very typical young male thing – not listening/interrupting.

  6. E o homem disse:Facá-mos o robô à nossa imagem e semelhança!
    É disto que se trata, o homem quer igualar ou ultrapassar o seu Criador,
    quando Ele disse :Facá-mos o homem à nossa imagem e semelhança.
    E o ou os criadores fizeram, mas deu merda. Continua a dar.
    Com estas criações do homem, igualmente vai dar.
    Caricato um ser humano estar a falar com uma lata que não passa de chips, cabos e fios eléctricos, e muita informação injectada para dentro.
    Não respira… já repararam que não respira, e se não respira está morta.
    Não tem alma.
    Tudo o que possa dizer, ou perguntar, foi o homem que isso programou.
    Pergunta a uma robô 😮 que pensa do ser humano?
    Resposta da lata :Exterminava-os a todos, e o público ainda bateu palmas.

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