Art Theory

Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege

Jordan B Peterson

I was in Vancouver Friday November 3rd talking at an event sponsored by the very active University of British Columbia Free Speech Club (start one on your campus — if you’re a student, that is :)).

I wanted to delve more deeply into the ideology on the radical side of the leftist spectrum, and to specifically address the idea of white privilege. Hopefully that’s what I did.


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26 thoughts on “Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege
  1. All hail the Jordan! For my own selfish reasons i hope Jordan returns to the public arena but my overriding hope is that he is happy! Jordan Has done way more then his share of good. If he doesn't return I guess we will all have to take responsibility for our own growth and happiness and take our own fight to the Leftists..

  2. There is truth and danger at both ends of the spectrum of the ignorant lazy masses and the ultra wealthy minority that can buy influence and policy to keep the masses diluted and protect their selfs

  3. 11:44 – sorry Jordan, but the bus stop knows when the bus is coming because theres an infrared light on every bus stop, when the bus passes it the messege gets sent to the bus stops ahead

  4. I hang on his lips, this is so interesting and important to hear and to know about. And his end comment about white privilege is spot on. They try to manipulate us into a future most people do not want.

  5. Lecture Redux glanced in the rear view mirror.
    I only heard the word revenge snarled once this evening.
    But in the past two and a half years, much have I pondered the idea that some significant number of young people have received something resembling an education, in which they are instructed that a broad scope of what was until relatively recently in the history of humankind, a concerted body of knowledge considered useful for the advancement of the human race. A race which encompasses humans, therefore, humanity, as it were.
    Only apparently not. Instead this is viewed by the instructed as a sort of minefield full of nothing but an extended and complicated code designed for the sole purpose of aiding white men to oppress everybody else who doesn't happen to be white and male.
    But that even that can be narrowed down to a more specific masculine heterodoxy.

    Which on the face of it, I have always found rather a strange idea, considering that this "code" also happens to have aided some several billions of human beings in the world historically, who don't happen to be white or male. Which I must admit, in moments of levity, strike me as a rather laughable way of biting the hand that feeds you, among other things.

    And so we discover after all, that humans actually aren't ants. And stubbornly refuse to behave as such. And that divine utopian dreams have produced evil results capable of competing in levels of destruction that will match most of the worst historical records of tyranny that we know of.
    And that many of those who receive this post truth canon do not know history, theirs, or anyone else's.
    Human beings learned to tell stories for a reason. They attract and entertain listeners, certainly. But they also enable us to keep track of where we've been and what was done.

    And one small quip that I just cannot resist:
    What is "natural" is a social construct?
    Proceed directly to Oklahoma and debate that point with a category 5 tornado.
    Horrors – to discover that it is indeed, not a CGI artifact, but in fact, natural, actually.
    Good luck with that one. Just a small reminder that the truth is not a thing that can be forever owned or controlled by anyone.

  6. "Identity politics" is fundamentally based on morphology + color, ethnical orgins, racialism etc., rather than human beings. It is a deviant dogma essentially exacerbating prejudices, bigotry and racism in all of us, rendering the opposite of what it pretends to represent or promote. IMHO..

  7. Postmodernism and its critical race theory amounts basically to the claim that Western civilization among all others is illegitimate and must be dismantled. Everything they say about just trying to prevent unfair discrimination is a fiction whether they know it or not.

  8. Yea.. but what about the history of discrimination in the United States. JBP doesnt get to ignore that. Is JBP making the argument that yes thats true but compared to other countries ita not as bad? And it was necessary at the t ime?

  9. The way u solve the interpetation problem in ai is chosing ine true interpetation it is done in almost all cases it is posible at list as a setup state before u let the bot exal u

  10. The world's biggest lie is white privilege, pushed by the Frankfurt school and believed by privileged white guilt lefties, I would go full on authoritarian and put them all in re education camps. Only supposedly educated people believe this BS.

  11. Most interesting and fairly informative…call me stupid, but I do disagree on suffering and anything you build on that foundation.

  12. This was a huge misrepresentation of Marxism. Under a capitalist state, majority of people are going to be oppressed, white or not, which is the reason many white men in the comments are complaining about having shitty jobs and shitty ways of living, because a lot of them aren't part of the top 1%. Although, in general, a lot of them aren't going to be in poverty or suffering from racism either. Unlike other demographics such as black people who are held back from economic prosperity due to historical slavery and being oppressed – now having to deal with the other type of oppression which is cultural. I'd agree that's its a big generalisation to say all white people have privilege, implying all of them are in middle-class or upper-class, but its also a reality that a lot of them are. Along side the reality that, even at the same financial level of other demographics, they're still not going to suffer the same minority adversity that others will experience. There's a privilege to being white, just like there's a privilege most of us have living in a first-world country.

  13. That little rat is the way that i was taught to be in real life. I am the youngest of five. I opted to choose out of winning the strength, dominance structure. I love my siblings, i don't want to kill them. Why am i even hang this conversation? Jordan Peterson, this is why while i cherish your intelligence, but i am not an evolutionist. Nice try, & i love you! 😉

  14. My "White Privilege" is being a landscaper in central FL (where it's just starting @ a 💯 degrees until Halloween…
    Care to try some….."White Privilege"???)

  15. The more I listen to him speak the more I struggle with a question: I’m liberal, I’m really liberal….that said, why does the left vilify him? At the most they take a single sentence out of context, either that or they say that since some moronic white supremacist likes him he is therefore a fascist.

    I hate to say this, I really do…but the left has gone too far. This is how we ended up with Trump. This is how we lost middle America and the working class/unions…yet somehow any type of genuine intellect disagreement is betrayal.

    I hate the right. I hate Republicans. I hate conservatives. I believe they are destroying the west. But Peterson isn’t an alt-right. He just isn’t. He is not a Nazi and he is not a fascist. I don’t agree with everything he says, but he does pose valid questions. More to the point, he is spot on about 98% of the time.

    The gender pay gap, inasmuch as cited at 78%, is a myth. Moreover, it is not sexist to say that young boys have their own suffering AND that feminism simply is not concerned therewith.

    The older I get the more I appreciate nuance. Anyone who labels Peterson as X,Y, or Z is at best intellectually dishonest. Identity politics is disgusting, regardless of whether it comes from the right or the left. Peterson speaks to the hypocrisy of the left. Yes, I wish he would speak to the same on the right. But simply because he doesn’t does not mean he should be disrespected.

  16. He's a great thinker and his intentions are admirable. I'm hoping that one day he'll realise that there is indeed a huge conspiracy, despite what he believes, involving super huge corporations and the men behind it all. The machine the puppetmasters constructed is well oiled, well hidden, and it hijacks anything that threatens the status quo.

    He might care to consider that this is possibly tye reason why post-modernism and marxism are now in bed together.

  17. self-conscious : " …for the fragile fool that you are " . REALLY !!?? That needs an apology and retraction Jordan . Which means a thorough re-think by you of this ' opinion ' . reluctant messiah !

  18. I couldn't watch the whole thing. Actually, I could hardly watch any of it. Could someone just tell me, does Jordan Peterson ever say anything that's relevant to anything important? If so, what?

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