
Intelligent NPC for Mario AI Championship


This video exposes a MarioAI level learned using a genetic algorithm. Each possible action is codified using an integer, the cromosome length is equal to 3000 (therefore only can pass those level whose length be lower than 3000). Moreover some new operators like selection, cross-over and mutation have been developed.

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11 thoughts on “Intelligent NPC for Mario AI Championship
  1. Blame ProtonJon for making Let's Play a non-SA thing? Also amsuing that a 3000-integer sequence plays better than a quarter of all LP's.

  2. We've been told repeatedly no machine will ever beat the human mind. Maybe we just didn't realize the human mind is itself a machine.

    We can improve on nature. That's the lesson. We do it everytime we wear eyeglasses or get surgery for a broken bone or wear a bandaid. This is not to say we can replace nature. Our relationship is mutual and should remain that way.

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