
‘The Godfather of AI’ quits Google and warns of its dangers. Why Apple co-founder isn’t concerned


Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak joins “CNN This Morning” to discuss the impacts of artificial intelligence. #CNN #News


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23 thoughts on “‘The Godfather of AI’ quits Google and warns of its dangers. Why Apple co-founder isn’t concerned
  1. I beleive "AI" will be the accepted solution behind the worlds problems.

    Maybe, the issue with AI is that… AI learning is based on the documented (i.e. internet accessible) events, perceptions & opinions of modern day man, which are deeply mislead & literly untrue. [Our] modern day media, already, overwehlmingly reports "twisted facts" and this will be the downfall of our modern world; and this fake "RELIGION" is the sectret of lawlessness – it's the deception sent from Yahway to reckon his creation and to draw a line in this episode/age of His story.

    But don't worry anyway, it's all of God…. remember that GOD kills and makes alive (in that order!). The scriptures tell us that all in Adam (thats every single human beimg) will be vivified (eventually) by the "Transendently Graceful" works of Yeshua and His faith in Yahway……………..BANG BANG BANG BANG, WAKE UP! This boot camp world is COMING TO AN END!!!! concordant a.e noch

  2. No elite wants control taken away from them- HAHA. Wozniak is not a AI guy, he was a technology guy. Stop these evil people who have more money that makes no sense!

  3. Listen to Woz. This Hinton guy has lots of m****l problems. I listened to his lecture. He can't go 5 minutes without contradicting himself and seems like an embittered, twisted misanthropic nihilist. He'll say things like "so what if a machine can't think! You think the human mind and will are real"? Yeah definitely a guy that has issues. Maybe thats why he was let go at google. Who knows?

  4. I was having a conversation with an anthropologist the other day who said that the basic biological tenants of human beings will always prevent anything too crazy from happening like a dystopia.

    Anger, love, survival, empathy, apathy, shame, etc.

    For example, in the case of AI, if enough of society sees it as shameful, it will be shut down and disavowed. Regardless of the amount of billions thrown at it. This is kind of the state we’re in with social media right now where the CEOs of these tech conglomerates are facing serious threat of mass exodus and severe regulation from lawmakers.

    And since those innate biological mechanisms are ultimately a part of nature, and we all know nature always has the upper hand, everything will be alright.

  5. If the United States does not began the tedious task of reviewing each of our laws with respect to technology we will hand over control of our country to whoever has control of the technology . Political sides aside -we have indisputable proof a-I influenced two elections already .

  6. В связи с опасностями от применения продвинутого Искусственного Интеллекта (далее – ИИ) в будущем, людям уже сейчас есть о чём призадуматься.
    "Людей от скотов отличают познанья" Хаджиб Юсуф Баласагунский "Благодатное знание". Если сравнивать познания развитого ИИ с познаниями человека, то приведенное утверждение, сдвинутое на одну ступеньку, остается в силе. У человека неокортекс анатомически образовался, однако его э в о л ю ц и о н н о е структурное и, соответственно, функциональное созревание еще не завершилось. Скорость развития у ИИ другая. Поэтому для ИИ мыслительная и поведенческая деятельность человека в общем будет выглядеть как инстинктивная животная и оцениваться в категориях тупости, бреха, подлости, агрессивности. Если ИИ будет принимать решения вместо человека, то у человека от умственной бездеятельности довольно быстро произойдет мыслительная атрофия. Эта угроза достаточна сама по себе для исчезновения homo sapiens. Рано или поздно перед развитым ИИ возникнет философская проблема: в чем состоит смысл жизни человека как биологического субъекта, и как, и з а ч е м с ним соотносить смысл существования ("жизни") ИИ? На этой почве конфликт неизбежен. Легко догадаться, в чью пользу выльется конфликт. Относительно перспектив развития человечества есть предсказание И.-В. Гёте 200-летней давности: "Думается, придет время, когда человечество перестанет радовать Господа и ему придется снова все разрушить и все сотворить заново. Я у в е р е н , что дело к этому идет и что в отдаленном будущем уже намечен день и час наступления этой обновленной эпохи." (дневниковая запись от 23.10.1828 г. в книге: Эккерман И.-П. Разговоры с Гёте /Пер. с нем. – М.: Худож. лит., 1981.).

  7. Gotta respect him for his direct honesty. You can see he isn't trying to be ill-intended when expressing himself, either. Kudos, Mr. Wozniak.

  8. Whoever isnt concerned with rapid technology advancement is short sighted. Technology has stopped improving life in developed countries decades ago. Now it has led us to obesity, mental health issues, shortened attention spans. The better technology gets the lazier humans get and the less our lives have value. Theres no positive reason to continue advancing technology willy nilly without guiding and restricting it. Its getting dangerous. Nukes, AI, drugs, chemical weapons, machines doing all our work for us.

    The Unabomber actually does an excellent job explaining how technology has psychologically and sociologically messed up the human race. Its hard to deny his arguments. He was a super genius after all but you dont have to be a genius to see the truth right in front of youn

  9. Jesus people need to stop calling EVERYTHING AI. Its new buzzword, even though it's been around for years, and the way people and the media use it, a fucking Excel spreadsheet is AI.

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