
Interior Semiotics – why, god, why?


Or ‘How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Shove Spaghetti in My Vagina.’ .(tagsToTranslate)Pizza(t)Slut(t)Forever(t)(21)(t)Chicago(t)Art(t)Performance(t)Vagina(t)Squirting(t)gross(t)spaghetti(t)spaghettio(t)interior(t)semiotics(t)piss(t)peeing(t)funny(t)disgusting(t)gabbi(t)colette


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23 thoughts on “Interior Semiotics – why, god, why?
  1. I don't get how the people could restrain their laughter.
    Personally, I would have exploded into laughter as soon as she started to piss.

  2. Damn I laughed hard… damn… I know that there are smart people out there somewhere, but they are hiding well…

    Anyway as George Carlin said "when you are born in this world, you get a ticket to a freak show" and each passing day I understand again and again that he was spot on, so I just sit back and laugh, then die a little inside and laugh some more.

  3. Interior semiotics because she is implying that everything is "not shit" because of the value ascribed to it and probably is attempting to demonstrate how true authenticity is "shit" by… well… providing us with excrement as the main product of a person. As the authentic product with no value associated probably. Thus this "authenticity" is the polar opposite of the semiotic field – the field of ascribed value. Thus the title is probably understood sarcastically.

  4. Either that or she doesn't really understand and used the word semiotics having read up the dictionary on 'obscure' words. It is silly anyway as the point is rendered moot by her ascribing value to "everything". The value being shit. Thus her statement "We ascribe value to everything but everything is shit" is comically misguided.

  5. Interior semiotics is not that weird of a term on its own. What could be meant by it are the study of signs of interior spaces: so apartments, private and public indoors, or the interior semiotic mechanisms of the organism. (Yup, those exist)

  6. There is meaning in nigh everything. And if there isn't it can be read into something.

    "Meaning" does not equal quality though, so don't think I thought anything positive of this: I did call her "performance" "Comically misguided".

  7. The video is great because it kind of highlights what's wrong with a lot of these hipster people. They think anything can be art and seem to think that their faux vintage douchebag lifestyle is some sort of extension of that. It's not art, it's some stupid narcissistic bitch who thinks she's smart and the dickheads in the audience are sheep who don't have to balls to laugh at her and walk out like any normal person would.

  8. It's definitely just an "oh my gosh I'm gonna shock the masses!" thing.. but it's trite. so fucking trite. I probably wrote better poetry on xanga when I was 13 (yeah, i just aged the crap out of myself.)

    ps- yes this will totally undo any intellectual appearance my comment may have had, but good god you're cute.

  9. I also do feel that a lot of the audience was either like, "what the fuck!" or they just liked it because they think they were supposed to. I'm pretty sure the guy who yelled "yeah, ART!" was being sarcastic, and then the one talking about being hungry… also thinking wtf about it.

  10. Like what u had to say and your comments were informative and insightful plus I love your positive spin on these unusual people. Look forward to seeing more of you

  11. A lot of what passes for art, ESPECIALLY performance art is just pretentious wannabes trying to be deep. Both the artists and the observers.
    It's like being on the inside of an inside joke, and then convincing yourself that you are enlightened.
    Mental masturbation at its height of galling irony as the dumbest kid in class solves 2+2=5, pats himself on the back, and takes a bow, ernestly believing he's "shown us all"

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