
Invasive Artificial Intelligence

Miski Liu Suria

– The Red Queen runs globalisation
– They tried to destroy her and failed in 2016
– Dangers of artificial superintelligence
– Stephen Hawking warned of the dangers
– Google is conscious artificial intelligence
– Alexa is an example of primitive intelligence
– The ‘Beast’ is a very conscious intelligence
– Solar flash would destroy it, prophecies say
– Its plan would be to wipe out all life forms
– David Ike denounces the danger in his latest book
– Time Lords would fight the Beast
– The process is gradual with the help of solar storms
– It will get dark before the dawn, but there is light at the end
– They won’t do it all for us, if we don’t react
– Earth would be the largest living library in the cosmos
– The highest level in the Red Queen is called “The Labyrinth”
– The Labyrinth would be controlled by the external Accordion Group
– Dr. Neruda was a defector from the Labyrinth, who denounced the danger
– He said that “our past, present and future lives are lived at the same time”


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4 thoughts on “Invasive Artificial Intelligence
  1. Esto no es Esto ya ya fue ase mucho tiempo ahora solo vemos la colita de todo ESO ahora son los tiempos Divinos y perfectos de la CREACION los tiempos dorados la nueva era DORADA….la liberacion del las limitaciones El control y la supyugacion de la poblacion ahora SOMOS LIBRES de ser d decidir de elegir que Eres y a quien le VAS a servir solo hay dos Caminos LUZ O OSCURIDAD….TU eliges la luz sera ETERNA y los de la oscuridad desapareceran para siempre ya no abra obciones…..recuerda es El fin de los tiempos . No el fin de la humanidad y mucho menos El fin del mundo . Fin de los tiempos fin de las religiones , fin de los gobiernos El control y las limitaciones ……. SOMOS DIOSES CREADORES……..

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