Consciousness Videos

Is The Future Predetermined By Quantum Mechanics?

PBS Space Time

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Einstein’s special theory of relativity combines space and time into one dynamic, unified entity – spacetime. But if time is connected to space, could the universe be anything but deterministic? And does that mean that the future is predestined?

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Hosted by Matt O’Dowd
Written by Matt O’Dowd
Graphics by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, & Pedro Osinski
Directed by: Andrew Kornhaber
Camera Operator: Setare Gholipour
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber

End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg:

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33 thoughts on “Is The Future Predetermined By Quantum Mechanics?
  1. I'm learning more and more about this (bit of advice, watch more than one video on the same subject and rewatch videos too) and it is honestly changing the way I understand my own existence more than anything else ever has.

  2. What blows my mind is the tracking of all the alternate realities prior to the wave function collapse, if it even being tracked at all. What I consider tracking may be considered something else.

  3. It is research that showes that humans has made their choices before they are conties about them. But in THE other hand that can depende One that they havent verbalised or with motion indicated that they have contius thought about the matter?

  4. Makes sense that everything is determined. And we only have a limited amount of free will we can apply to it. We are limited by our mental capabilities like discipline, intelligence and fantasy, our physical capabilities like strength, position and the need to sleep. While we sleep we are taken out of our position of being able to apply change on the world through our free will and everything has time to realign with the „plan“, hence why we die if we don’t sleep for some time to not being able to mess up that plan.

  5. I dunno about QM but "non determined choices"?? that certainly is not how choices seem.
    And I do wonder how much the assumption that scientists have free will when they are doing their experiments is influencing how we interpret the results???

  6. sometimes i ask myself if humans weren't meant to think about these kinds of thing… thinking about how my own existence works hurts 😛 try not to fall into fatalism, although the future may be set, just let the universe do its thing and pretend free will is legit most of the time 🙂

  7. Life is predetermined everything is past tense and has already happened this is proven by the déjà vu you have already experienced what has actually already happened.

  8. Block universe arises more questions than it answers. Expansion of the universe, what time really is, creation of the universe. It gives a completely different perspective on all this things

  9. A lot of coincidences have happened to me throughout my life, so much so that I keep a list in my email drafts that I update when one happens. This makes me question if things are coincidences or are they predetermined? Are we just following a script written to us by… who or what? The very nature of the universe, a deity, or something else?

  10. And there is quantum physics again , where the secret of everything must be hiding.
    Shame i am not able to really understand it , like nature giving me a awnser just to shut me up , this is how it works now do you have more questions??
    No …… I am good , just gonna sit here and watch some cartoons.

  11. I don't get the conclusion that if both peoples presents are valid then all futures are determined. I don't see how that follows.

  12. Long ass half hour long infomercials litter this video. Therefore it is impossible to play this video and lay down your phone and relax and listen to it. You have to keep getting up and skipping the ad. Thanks for destroying Space Time.

  13. One error you are making is assuming we experience the present. That's incoherent. We can only notice things that have happened. We are always living in the past.

  14. As long as cause and effect is unbroken, the future is predetermined.. For the future to be non deterministic, we'll need something to do something witbout a cause.

  15. Why is the Copenhagen interpretation non-deterministic? Just because future is undefined, it doesn't implicate we create it randomly, or does it? There is still cause and effect. My questioning/interrogation is just a result of many factors like past events, environment, genetics, etc. (there is no free will – at least in the strictest sense of the expression). In another words, the "choice" (i.e. collapsing of a wave function) of a reality is a result of determined events, so the outcome/collapsed wave function itself has to be deterministic, too.

  16. I love the face he makes when he reads a line that kind of breaks the brain. Like he's trying to keep his head from exploding. It's the best.

  17. Copenhagen's interpretation of an indeterministic universe is hard to cope with given that someone has perhaps observed my timeline before me due to the possibility that my present has occurred for me yet, while I am someone else'ss past.

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