
Islam as a Parasitic Mind Virus – Daniel Dennett on Religious Memes



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8 thoughts on “Islam as a Parasitic Mind Virus – Daniel Dennett on Religious Memes
  1. I hate the MADNESS called islam.
    Religion makes nice people do bad things and intelligent people say stupid things.

  2. In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.
    Quran 60:8, 2:193, 2:190, 109:1-6, 24:54 say No terrorism
    Quran 4:19, 30:21, 2:228, 33:35, 43:70, 16:97, 2:187 say No oppress woman
    Quran 31:13-19, 6:152, 25:75 say No to child abuse
    Quran 6:151 Say no to killing babies / abortion
    Quran 4:29-30, 2:195 say No to commit suicide
    Quran 16:5-8, 6:38, 24:41say No to cruel to animal
    Quran 2:256, 10:99, 88:21-22 say No to forcing religion down people's throat
    Quran 2:42, 24:6-8, 24:13, 9:43, 3:61, 6:28, 7:66, 9:107, 29:12, 54:26 say No to Lying
    Quran 28:77, 2:60, 6:165 say No to corruption / pollution / vandalism
    Quran 6:141, 7:31, 2:195, 2:268 say No to waste money, waste time, waste food, waste energy, waste water
    Quran 7:146, 31:18-19 say No to Arrogant
    Quran 25:63, 7:199 say No to Ignorant
    Quran 49:13, 48:26 say No to Racism
    Quran 3:119 say No to Rage / Anger
    Quran 5:38 say No to Stealing things that are not yours
    Quran 60:12, 24:11-21 say No to Slander/ Rumours
    Quran 49:12 say No to Backbite each other?
    Quran 2:276, 2: 278, 3:130, 4:161, 30:39 say No to usury
    Quran  2:188,4:58, 5:8 say No to bribery
    Quran 2:96, 4:128 say No to Greedy
    Quran 4:142, 9:54 say No to Lazy

  3. It seems like, unlike others of the "new atheist" movement (e.g., Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens), Daniel Dennett doesn't think Islam is necessarily worse than other religions. Yes, he obviously thinks it's a "parasitic mind virus," but then he says that all religious people have this virus. I wonder if he was satirizing the others of this movement by mentioning Islam, and then including "most people."

  4. In the Caltech lecture, Dennet goes on to say Christianity is also the same. It essentially means submission too. People who watch this should watch the whole lecture given in Caltech on the book Breaking the Spell. This by the way is from the Ted Talk.

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