
It’s OK That We Disagree – McKenna, Peterson, Psychedelics, & Postmodernism

Surprised by some of the attacks for featuring Jordan Peterson in a few videos, I wanted to respond to some of the criticism by saying that it is OK that we disagree. This channel is for spreading ideas, some ideas by people who view the world in totally different ways. Tomorrow will be a Philip K. Dick video (a lefty Postmodernist) and it contains some powerful ideas as does Jordan Peterson in my opinion. I enjoy listening to intelligent people with different perspectives talk about the nature of reality and this channel is dedicated to that discussion. If you like or dislike the speaker that’s cool, if you disagree tell me why, if you don’t watch that’s fine, and if you want to attack me or the speaker that is your right as well. I want to foster conversation, so if you have an opinion state it, support it, be honest, and let’s see where the facts and logic lead.

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39 thoughts on “It’s OK That We Disagree – McKenna, Peterson, Psychedelics, & Postmodernism
  1. Surprised by some of the attacks for featuring Jordan Peterson in a few videos, I wanted to respond to some of the criticism by saying that it is OK that we disagree. This channel is for spreading ideas, some ideas by people who view the world in totally different ways. Tomorrow will be a Philip K. Dick video (a lefty Postmodernist) and it contains some powerful ideas as does Jordan Peterson in my opinion. I enjoy listening to intelligent people with different perspectives talk about the nature of reality and this channel is dedicated to that discussion. If you like or dislike the speaker that's cool, if you disagree tell me why, if you don't watch that's fine, and if you want to attack me or the speaker that is your right as well. I want to foster conversation, so if you have an opinion state it, support it, be honest, and let's see where the facts and logic lead.

  2. I think you're underestimating your audience if you think that we're just buying into the infantile anti JP narrative that's being thrown around. The "problem" I think many have with JP on this channel specifically, is the chasm of difference between him and McKenna. I won't go into details here. Let me try and explain some of the ire with a parable: Let's say you ran a small hotell called "The Tranquil Garden" featuring songbirds and the trickle of a fountain. Then one morning you woke up and decided to build a speedway right next to it. They're both cool things, but it's unlikely that your usual clientele would appreciate the development. Also; does YT really need more JP at this point?

  3. Peterson absolutely belongs in the category as mckenna the common theme is the revolution of the mind most people can't see that because ironically they haven't had a revolution of the mind

  4. peterson may have some interesting ideas but i was very very put off by a video where I saw him debating a black man on various topics. he struck me as extremely insensitive and lacking compassion when it came to issues around racial privilege. i also don't agree with all of mckenna's ideas but underlying all his talks is a genuine sweetness and high regard for the feelings of others and respect for civil discourse.

  5. Amazing, i love what you do and i super enjoy your videos & talks that you are posting, keep it up and good luck in your doctorate. You are doing great work

  6. Sorry, but collectivism, not individualism, was McKenna's "mantra". He was a Jungian, so, the collective unconscious was a big thing for him. Also, as to psychedelics, he continually mentions the fallacy of thinking one is first an individual… Not calling you names, but no, guy, try again.

  7. I actually really appreciate this video. I haven't commented on any of the Jordan Peterson videos but I was actually wondering why you chose to feature him so thanks for this. I personally dislike him but picked up his book just to see what he was really about. There's no need to fear his ideas or to be upset at you. P.S. please do more podcasts, those have been amazing

  8. I can't remember the lecture, but I remember Mckenna stating that Camille Paglia's "Sexual Persona" was the read of read of the season in 1991. Which seems to overlap Petersons view on the redundancy of postmodernism

  9. thanks for sharing your field of study.This is the era when the worm turns and what was once fringe,tabu and downright verboten now enjoys a rebirth, becoming so scientifically and empirically legit as to approach a foundational cultural consensus, thanks to the efforts of those like you.
    Your mainstay roster of speakers are the bastions to which I've resorted as springboards to re-elevate my perspective, lifelong since my Alan Watts on SF airwaves days. We are blessed that Watts, McKenna and others are great on audio, as gifted in their speech as in their breadth and depth of knowledge and insight ( a combination I also find in Joseph Campbell).
    Looking forward to your new selections. I don't entirely "grok" how so many old-school, independent-minded, DIY Whole Earth Catalog mavericks and heroes of the counterculture have become pariahs lumped with reactionary preppers and free market fundamentalists, or that inquiry into spiritual traditions would become valid only insofar as used to expose their power constructs… to which i can attribute or guess is a failure to address Jimi's question "are you experienced?"

  10. No need to explain yourself brother, it’s your channel, post what you vibe with! But I, for one, would like to hear more from you directly…so keep em coming!

  11. Haters are gonna hate. They have their sense of identity wrapped all up in the ideas that fit nicely into their reality tunnel. You're shaking their foundations…so, they hate. Challenge ideas, not people.

  12. Thank you for doing a great service to your fellow humans.
    Peterson is controversial, but a very important voice. I don't think he's comparable to Watts and McKenna, though, in the sense that he's fully immerse in the culture. He needs the ultra-left as much as the ultra left needs the ultra-right, meaning, he has an agenda. He's a sound voice in these times, but he loves history too much to be compared to Terence, and he's not even close to embrace a spiritual point of view (and realize there's no need to save the world) as Alan, or Joseph Cambell did.

  13. Everything Peterson stands for, Mckenna is against. Peterson advertises Getting a job, contributing to society, being a productive member…McKenna hates all of that

  14. Keep doing you bro! I like all great thinkers. Doesn’t really matter what they think. Always good to look into other perspectives. It keeps you going and growing.

  15. Postmodernism stems from MANY different disciplines and has MANY different meanings. There is no unifying ideological thread through them either. They are self contained within the form/discipline. Examples would be painting, architecture, and yes philosophy. They are reactions to earlier movements (read: modernism). People like Jordan Peterson have co-opted that word and made it seem toxic, just as the right has done with cultural marxism (which used to refer to an obscure critique of capitalism).

    Cultural Marxism is a term popularized by right wing personalities in order to scare their audience and accuse their opponents of being communists. It is the modern form of McCarthyism. Cultural Marxism is also used partly justifying racist ideologies. It's extremely important that you understand the logical ends of the ideas you choose to circulate on your channel. Up until this point, I thought you did. I'm disappointed that someone as intentionally inflammatory as Jordan Peterson would catch your attention enough to be posted on this channel. Saying "I have problems with some of his ideas" doesn't cut it. We have thousands of years of thought enough, what Peterson is hawking is philosophical snake oil with a propagandist's flare. You should know better.

  16. i think its hilarious that even though we should be open minded when exploring the ideas in these videos, how quickly people start shouting out the cliches, stereotypes, and other social conditioned b.s. think for yourselves people. that's the whole point of all this.

  17. It's amazing how much McKenna and Peterson overlap. I've been noticing this unfold over the last year in listening to Peterson.

    I would love to hear Peterson critique McKenna

  18. Are you familiar with Erik Davis? Hes got a new book coming out this year called "High Weirdness" about Terence Mckenna, Robert Anton Wilson, and Alan Watts and how they've fostered this new psychedelic "religion". I'm very excited for it and it seems right up your alley. I love your content! keep at it!

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