Consciousness Videos

Jim Elvidge – Digital Consciousness: The True Nature of Reality? Part Two


Jim Elvidge discusses his book ‘Digital Consciousness: A Transformative Vision’. Our reality is not what it appears to be. The latest physics experiments demonstrate that an objective reality simply does not exist. Despite its immense value to humanity, modern science’s claim that it can account for the depth and diversity of experience, and in the foreseeable future explain the fundamental nature of reality, goes too far. Modern mainstream science maintains that matter is all that matters, and that the seemingly-solid three-dimensional world of our five senses is all there really is. But the list of phenomena adequately accounted for by the physical sciences is outstripped by those it cannot explain and instead simply chooses to ignore.

The most profound of these is the riddle of consciousness itself. The best hypothesis proffered by mainstream science is that consciousness is a mere epiphenomenon of the brain, a by-product which arises when organisms reach a certain degree of complexity. But what if the opposite were true? What if that which we call matter actually arises within mind, a universal sea of consciousness forming the fundamental ground of reality? Not only does this model reflect ancient spiritual and wisdom traditions spanning the globe and reaching back into pre-history, when unified with cutting edge quantum physics, it forms the basis for an all-encompassing cosmology offering answers to the eternal questions of existence and the deepest mysteries of life.

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9 thoughts on “Jim Elvidge – Digital Consciousness: The True Nature of Reality? Part Two
  1. When you dream, you create a temporary universe which can be very detailed and 'realistic'.

    God did create the universe. God created it by thinking it up. It was created by the mind of God.

    A mind so powerful that we can't begin to understand it. We fool ourselves by our silly images of God being like us. God cannot be understood by mankind. Our brains are too primitive and small. But our minds can gain understanding through our consciousness, which is just an aspect of God.

    A simulation–yes, in a manner of speaking. Even God cannot predict the future with perfect accuracy, as the universe runs on a set of algorithms that are based on probabilities. Nothing is set in stone.

    The universe is essentially a proceedurally generated holographic fractal. A gross oversimplification, but ultimately true in the final sense.

    You are fortunate to be granted the ability to believe what you want to believe. Good luck.

  2. According to Bashar we live in a reality version where we have the impression that John F. Kennedy died in 1963. We also have the impression that we have always known that this was the case and where this political event has been an irreplaceable part of both, our history and our memory. However, according to him we lived initially in a reality version where John F. Kennedy was NOT killed in 1963. He was the US President who went public with his knowledge about ET presence on earth while in office. Unfortunately, the society was not yet ready for that information and as a result of the riots and the commotion he was finally killed in 1968.

    Actually, the collective consciousness shifted to a reality in which JFK was killed in 1963 (without the premature disclosure and the ensuing commotion). The old reality, where he was killed in 1968 continued to send ripples as a remnant of the overarching event into the new reality. As the result of the ripples Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were killed in the reality which we had later accepted as our new reality.

    In the future we may end up again in a reality version where JFK managed to successfully disclose the existence of ETs and where the society was well prepared for the cultural and societal quantum leap – without turmoil, riots and commotion. Where JFK lived until 1984 and died of old age. Then, again, we will have a new collective history, and a new timeline which we will then collectively take for real. . For more detailed information please visit ‘Bashar communications’

  3. Interseting how science and spiritually appear to be on the path to convergence. It was necessary to seperate the two at one phase of our evolution, but there may now be a new paradigm emerging.
    Maybe science should now, once again, be considered a spiritual path.
    This could mean Richard Dawkins may go extinct. Ironically. Lol.

  4. Technically then Bot driven Digital Consciousness algorithms should/could enable the possibility to interactively converse with Deceased Individuals who have a significant online presence.
    For example online "Live Chat" with the likes of Cayce, Hawking, Huxley, Watts, McKenna, where you could ask a question & get an audio-visual response in "Real" time. Strike up an individual conversation or form virtual discussion groups. This configured Reality / Fantasy boundary could/can indeed become blurred to the extreme. Maybe it's time to take a walk in the Woods…

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