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27 thoughts on “Joe Asks MIT Scientist What He Thinks Happens After Death
  1. This question 'do you think something happens to 'you' when you die is not a logical question. There is no more 'you' when you die. Then the question comes 'where is the 'you' in 'you'?! People tend to answer that with 'well my brain tells me that I am 'me''. But there is no more electric current in your brain telling you to be you. Then you see them think about the part that makes them 'themselves'. It's not your right index finger, or any material thing anymore. Your nervous system has shut down, it does no longer process any information. I am not talking about 'near death experiences', I am talking about 'being dead for at least 2 days'. The first few hours after death there might still be some electric current deep inside the brain making some non-coherent form of awareness. But I am afraid there is nothing in the shape as we know it, alive, when we're dead. If there were a thing like that, that would mean 'nothing is ever dead or alive'. At a quantum level that is a fact. There is no difference between 'alive' and 'dead' on that level. But 'observing' or 'remembering' as we do alive, is no longer there when we're dead. I am 99.999% certain about that.

  2. I don't think consciousness simply appears out of fucking nowhere, cause then it would be magic. So then the other possibility is that it emerges out of dead matter which does not "contain" consciousness, in which case it is also magic and comes out of fucking nowhere. So either way we don't know what the fuck where doing and should consider that maybe consciousness is simply fundamentally a part of everything. Just saying

  3. @ 2:00 He tries to quote a godless hateful demonic person and then they both laugh and giggle about it

    “For every moment of triumph, for every instance of beauty, many souls must be trampled.”
    ― Hunter S. Thompson

    If anyone believes in this satanic garbage – I bet they also think that dlihc xes yrevals is wonderful .

  4. When people ask "What do you think happens to us after we die?," I think they're almost always really asking "Do you think our consciousness continues after we die?" None of us have the answer to that. There are many who speculate (which is fine, in my opinion) and others who think they know (which is arrogant, dogmatic, etc. in my opinion) but none of us really "know" and I'm okay with just letting it be a mystery.

  5. Death may be a gift of science.. because death is an illusion. We may have achieved immortality, and we are in a death simulation to escape the terror of not being able to die.

  6. Near Death, Experience gave me a second chance af life and the opportunity to fill an agreement.

    This is my world.
    My world is a wonderful world. It is an enchanting world which knows no boundaries; it is life and death and circumstances beyond our control.

    Death is a rebirth, a rebirth of souls, it is a place beyond comprehension, and it is a place of peace and understanding.

    It is a time frame within the time frame of one second of one moment of life. That carries memories of life that we have lived time and time before.
    I am their listener. I have listened to hundreds of their stories. I have filled 20 books and won three awards with their stories. I see them, hear them, and live with them in their memories as they take me through their experiences of their life and death journey.

    But it is the way that the stories were written that is the most intriguing. I am their listener. I Lister through their memoirs. Memories from the past. Pam McCagh.

  7. No man no woman no mortal being can stop , slow down death or prolong life. God designed it that way we all have an appointment with death u can't buy , make deals, cheat , nothing it's is going to happen periods

  8. There must be a higher power otherwise why would sex feel so good? It was designed to feel good so that we would continue to reproduce.

  9. He went to Drexel university. His dad got him a “research position” at mit for 6 months. He hasn’t had a job since graduating. He’s an idiot

  10. I don't believe in death, but I believe in damnation. There are multiple dimensions and human consciousness is in them (ascended masters) and there are physical neurological avatars in the heavens, your body is just one of many possible vessels for your consciousness. I think there's damnation because as there are higher dimensions with positive mathematical value, there are lower dimensions with negative value. I believe in God, he who maintains alpha status in the highest dimension, number 11. And I think God has the power of damnation, to cast your conscious being into lower dimensions. This is biblical theology because Paul wrote that there are resurrected bodies in heaven, and he spoke of transcending into a higher dimension (the third heaven). Also, Jesus claimed to have Alpha deity status, as well as an Omega position, simultaneously. This is what the Jewish hexagram represents, it's like the yin and yang, duality; Alpha and Omega. The Greeks understood that the alphabet was also titles to the heavens. But I gathered my beliefs mostly from scientific research and personal observations. I believe there are multiple worlds, with a government of angels (not men with wings, but hyper-dimensional entities). I've seen some weird things, a lot…

  11. It's Amazing How These "Geniuses" Can Have An Open Mind On Almost Any Subject But Won't Consider The Reality of The Bible…smh there's even a verse that says claiming to wise they Become Fools and There's a Way That Seems Right To Man But it Only Leads To Death.. The Word Philosophy is only Mentioned Once in the Bible and it was regarding people falling into Foolishness and myths instead of sound doctrine these are the END DAYS PEOPLE TURN TO JESUS ITS THE ONLY TRUTH

  12. When we die, we will all crossover to the spiritual world then GOD will judge you sending you to either heaven or hell, non believers will just disappear… We will never be living in physical form ever again

  13. Humans to become what…..,,Some might say Gods But when you have knowledge too understand that you are not Great …. Plants die and leave seeds For them to become again naturally…. but when We play god we build and in that moment we forgot about the tree that provided families before time food and life what we build shall fall before the sky … and animals that want life shall get the chance to Be … And a lost soul shall return to a fly to pray for shit …. The Soul has no flesh …

  14. Lex is a Jew, so he knows what happens to him in the afterlife, he just doesn't want to accept his fate 🔥

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